Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018

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Aphasia - Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Anomic aphasia (also known as dysnomia , nominal aphasia , and amnesia aphasia ) is a mild, smooth type of Aphasia in which an individual experiences a failure of word search and can not express the words they want to say (especially nouns and verbs). Anomia is an expressive language deficit. The most widespread deficit in aphasia is anomia. Several levels of anomia are seen in all aphasia. Individuals with aphasia that display anomia can often describe objects in detail and may even use hand gestures to show how the object is used but can not find the right words to name objects.

Video Anomic aphasia


Anomic aphasia (anomia) is a type of aphasia characterized by problems remembering words, names, and numbers. Speeches and receptive language are not disturbed in someone with anomic aphasia. Subjects often use circumlocutions (speaking indirectly) to avoid names they can not remember or to express certain words they can not remember. Sometimes a subject can remember a name when given a hint. In addition, patients can speak with correct grammar; the main problem is finding the right words to identify an object or person.

Sometimes the subject may know what to do with the object, but it still can not give a name to the object. For example, if the subject is orange and asked what the name is, the subject may be well aware that the object can be peeled and eaten, and can even show this by action or even a verbal response - but they can not remember that the object is called "orange". Sometimes, when someone with this condition is multilingual, they may confuse the language they use to find the right word (accidental code deletion).

Maps Anomic aphasia


There are three main types of anomia:

  • Anomia word selection occurs when the patient knows how to use an object and can correctly select a target object from a group of objects, but can not specify an object. Some patients with word choice anomia can show selective damage in naming certain types of objects, such as animals or colors. In subtypes known as anomia colors , patients can distinguish between colors but can not identify them by the name or color name of the object. Patients can separate colors into categories, but they can not mention them.
  • Semantic anomia is a disorder in which the meaning of words is lost. In patients with semantic anomia, the naming deficit is accompanied by a recognition deficit. Thus, unlike patients with word selection anomia, patients with semantic anomia can not select the correct object of a group of objects, even when given by the name of the target object.
  • Anomal termination results from disconnection between the sensory and language cortex. Patients with termination anomia may exhibit anomalous specific modalities, in which anomia is limited to certain sensory modalities, such as hearing. For example, a patient who is perfectly capable of mentioning a target object when presented through a certain sensory modality such as audition or touch, may not be able to name the same object when the object is presented visually. Thus, in such cases, patient anomia arises as a consequence of disconnection between the visual cortex and the language cortex.
Patients with termination anomia may also show anomia callosal , in which damage to the corpus callosum prevents sensory information transmitted between the two hemispheres. Therefore, when sensory information can not reach the predominantly language hemisphere (usually the left hemisphere in most individuals), the result is anomia. For example, if a patient with anomia termination type holds an object in their left hand, somatosensory information about the object will be sent to the right hemisphere of the brain, but then will not be able to reach the left hemisphere due to callosal damage. Thus, this somatosensory information will fail to be transmitted to the language area in the left hemisphere, in turn resulting in the inability to name objects in the left hand. In this example, the patient will have no problem with naming, if the test object should be held in the right hand. This type of anomia can also arise as a result of the breaking of the relationship between the sensory and language cortex.

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Anomia can be genetic or caused by damage to various parts of the parietal lobe or the temporal lobe of the brain resulting from an accident or stroke, or brain tumor.

Although the underlying cause is not specifically known, many researchers have found factors that contribute to anomic aphasia. It is known that people with brain left brain damage are more likely to have anomic aphasia. Broca's area, the brain's speech production center, is linked to a source for speech execution problems, with the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), now commonly used to study anomic patients. Other experts believe that damage to the Wernicke area, which is the area of ​​brain-talk understanding, is connected with anomia because patients can not understand the words they hear.

Although many experts believe that Broca's area damage or Wernicke's area is a major cause of anomia, current research has shown that damage in the left parietal lobe is an anomic aphasic epicenter. One study was conducted using a word repetition test as well as fMRI to see the highest activity level and where the lesion was in the brain tissue. Fridrikkson, et al. saw that damage to the Broca area or Wernicke area was not the only source of anomia in the subject. Therefore, the original anomial model, which theorizes that damage occurred on the surface of the brain in gray matter has been denied, and found that the damage is in deeper white matter in the brain, in the left hemisphere. More specifically, the damage is on the part of a nerve line called the arcuate fasciculus, whose mechanism of action is unknown, although it is known to connect the posterior (back) of the brain to the anterior (front) and vice versa.

New data have shown that although the main function of the arcane arch does not include connecting the Wernicke and Broca areas, damage to tracts does create speech problems because speech and speech production areas are linked by this tractate. Some studies have found that in left-handed people, the language center is 99% in the left hemisphere; therefore, anomic aphasia almost exclusively occurs with damage to the left hemisphere. However, in left-handed people, the language center is about 60% in the left hemisphere; thus, anomic aphasia may occur with right hemisphere damage in left-handed people.

Aphasia - Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment


The best way to see if anomic aphasia has developed is to use verbal as well as imaging tests. The combination of the two tests seems to be most effective, since either self-conducted tests can give false or false-negative positives. For example, a verbal test is used to see if there is a speech impediment, and whether it is a problem in speech production or in understanding. Patients with Alzheimer's disease have speech problems associated with dementia or progressive aphasia that may include anomia. Imaging tests, mostly performed using an MRI scan, are ideal for mapping the lesion or seeing damage in the brain. However, imaging can not diagnose anomia itself because the lesions may not be deep enough to damage white matter or damage the fascia of the arch. However, anomic aphasia is very difficult to associate with the location of certain lesions in the brain. Therefore, the combination of speech tests and imaging tests has the highest sensitivity and specificity.

It is important to do a hearing test first, if the patient can not hear clearly the words or sentences required in the repetition test. In a speech test, the person is asked to repeat the phrase with common words; if the person can not identify the word but he can describe it, then the person is very likely to have an anomic anasia. However, to be absolutely sure, this test is given when the test subject is in the fMRI scanner, and the exact location of the lesion and the area activated by the speech is marked. Some of the simpler or cheaper options are available, so lesion mapping and repetition tests are the main way of diagnosing anomic aphasia.

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There is no method available to cure anomic aphasia completely. However, there are treatments to help improve word discovery skills.

Although someone with anomia may find it difficult to remember many types of words such as common nouns, proper nouns, verbs, etc., many studies have shown that treatment for nouns, or nouns, has been promising in rehabilitation research. Treatments include visual aids, such as pictures, and patients are asked to identify objects or activities. However, if that is not possible, then the patient is shown the same image that is surrounded by words related to the object or activity. During the process, a positive impulse is given. The treatment showed increased discovery of the word during treatment; However, word identification decreased two weeks after the rehabilitation period. Therefore, this suggests that rehabilitation efforts need to be continuous for word search capabilities to improve from the baseline. Studies show that verbs are more difficult to remember or repeat, even with rehabilitation.

Other methods of treating anomic aphasia include Circumcopically Induced Inhibition (CIN) therapy, in which patients use the circumference to assist with naming it rather than simply being told to mention the item described after being given some kind of cue. The results show that patients perform better in naming objects appropriately when undergoing this therapy because CIN reinforces the weak association between semantics and phonology for patients with anomia, because they often know what objects are used but can not mention them verbally.

Anomia often weighed on their families and friends who suffered from it. One way to cope with this burden is the computer-based treatment model, effective especially when used with clinical therapy. Leemann et al. providing anomic patients with computer-assisted therapy sessions (CAT), along with traditional therapy sessions using a list of words of treatment. Some patients receive drugs that are known to help alleviate the symptoms of anomia (levodopa) while others receive placebo. The investigators found that the drug had no significant effect on improvement with the treatment list, but almost all patients improved after the CAT session. They conclude that this form of computer care is effective in improving naming abilities in anomic patients.

In addition, one study examined the effect of using "stimulation of an indirect, transkranial direct flow" over the right temporo-parietal cortex, an area of ​​the brain that appears to correlate with language. Electrical stimulation seems to improve the outcome of language training in patients with chronic aphasia.


Affected population

Many different populations can and do suffer from anomia. For example, hearing-impaired patients suffering from stroke may exhibit semantic and phonological errors, such as hearing anomic patients. Researchers have called this subtype anomia mark .

Bilingual patients usually experience anomia to a greater extent only in one of their fluent languages. However, there is conflicting evidence as to which language - first or second - suffer more.

Research in children with anomia has indicated that children who undergo most treatment, can regain normal language skills, aided by brain plasticity. However, a longitudinal study in children with anomic aphasia due to head injury suggests that even several years after the injury, some of the lesser marking signs are still observed. These remaining symptoms can sometimes cause academic difficulties later on.

Challenges in Anomic Aphasia - YouTube

Live with anomic anumic

This disorder may be very frustrating for people with and without interruption. Although people with anomic anasia can know the specific word, they may not be able to remember it and this can be very difficult for everyone in the conversation. However, it is important to be patient and work with the person so that he gets confidence with his speech. Positive reinforcements are helpful.

Although there are not many cases of literature on anomic aphasia, there are many non-fiction books about living with aphasia. One of them is The Man Who Lost Her Language by Sheila Hale. This is the story of Sheila Hale's husband, John Hale, a scholar who suffered a stroke and lost the ability to form words. In his book, Sheila Hale also describes the symptoms and the mechanics behind aphasia and the formation of speech. He added an emotional component dealing with someone with aphasia and how to be patient with speech and communication.

anomic aphasia - YouTube

See also

  • Conduction Conditions
  • Apatis expressive
  • List of language interruptions
  • Primary progressive prostasia
  • Receptive thasia

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External links

  • J. Fridrikkson's website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
