Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

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In the United States, school colors are colors selected by schools to represent them on uniforms and other identification items. Most schools have two colors, usually chosen to avoid conflicts with other schools that compete with schools in sports and other activities. The colors are often used to build morale among teachers and students, and as an expression of the school spirit.

School colors are often found in pairs and are rarely no more than a trio, although some professional teams use up to four colors in a set. Color selection usually follows the tincture rules of the emblem, but exceptions to this rule are known.

Common primary colors include orange , purple , blue , red , and green . These colors are paired with colors representing metal (often black , brown , gray (or silver ), white , or gold ), or sometimes to each other, like orange/blue , red/green , or blue/yellow . Pairing two metals, such as black/white , silver/gold , and especially black/gold , is also a common practice. Finally, some American schools, in patriotism view, adopt the national color red, white, or blue .

In an effort to further establish identity and promote standards, many institutions often specify the use of certain colors. Maroon, generally considered a darker red color, is a common base color. Various shades of blue, from powder to Prussia, are also used; some schools have adopted two different blue colors for their color, with darker colors serving as primary colors. The color of gold can vary greatly even within the institution, from the yellow to the more convincing old gold.

Black, white and gray are often used as neutral colors for sets that do not adopt it. This practice is especially important in basketball (where house uniforms are often white) and professional baseball (where team colors are often used as slim for white or gray uniforms).

Video School colors


Most competitive teams store two uniform sets, with one emphasizing the main colors and the other emphasizing secondary colors. In some sports, such as American football, the main colors are emphasized on home uniforms, while uniforms for other sports, especially basketball, use secondary or neutral colors at home. This is done to avoid confusing the colors of the two schools. In addition, the various groups that generate support for athletic teams, including cheerleaders and marching bands, wear uniforms with their school colors.

The color of the school has many non-athletic goals as well. Members of the university community will often present them as a sign of support or enthusiasm for their particular institution. Similarly, during a college or university ceremony, schools that award academic awards to their students will generally adhere to the American Board's guidance on Education and use inner school color and the color of the discipline beyond the velvet trim (regardless of the ceremony, the title recipient has right to wear the hood afterwards). Some doctoral robes will also be the color of the university awarded the title. In many private schools, or more traditional state schools, "school colors" are awards presented for achievement in the subject or sport - See Sporting colors.

British and Irish universities have traditionally had academic shawls in university colors, usually long, wool and striped only elongated with varying widths. In college universities like Oxford, Cambridge, Durham and Lancaster, each college has its own color and scarf. Other non-college universities such as Glasgow and Newcastle have scarves for every faculty.

Maps School colors


Source of the article : Wikipedia
