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Adolescent sexuality is the stage of human development in which adolescents experience and explore sexual feelings. Sexuality increases during puberty, and sexuality is often an important aspect of adolescent life. In humans, sexual attraction can be expressed in several ways, such as teasing, kissing, masturbating, or having sex with a partner. Sexual interest among adolescents, such as among adults, can vary greatly, and is influenced by cultural norms and customs, sex education, and comprehensive sexuality education provided, sexual orientation, and social control such as age of legal consent.

Sexual activity is generally associated with various risks. The risk of sexual intercourse includes unwanted pregnancies and contracting sexually transmitted infections such as HIV/AIDS, which can be reduced by the availability and use of condoms or other safe sex practices. Contraceptives specifically reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.

The risk is higher for young adolescents because their brains are not mature neurologically. Some areas of the brain in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex and in the hypothalamus are considered essential for self-control, delaying satisfaction, risk analysis, and appreciation are not fully mature. The brain is not fully ripe until age 25. Partially, because of this, young teenagers are generally less equipped than adults to make good decisions and anticipate the consequences of sexual behavior, although brain imaging and behavioral correlation studies in adolescents have been criticized for not causing it reaffirming cultural bias.

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Development of sexuality

Adolescent sexuality begins at puberty. The process of sexual maturation produces sexual interest and stimulates the thought process. Further sexual behavior begins with the secretion of hormones from the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland. These hormones target the sexual organs and begin their maturation. Increased levels of androgens and estrogens have an effect on the adolescent thinking process and have been described as being in the mind of "almost all teenagers over time".

Although most young women start their sexual maturation process in a normal and predictable way, there may be concerns by parents and doctors if the following points become clear:

  • painful menstruation
  • chronic pelvic pain
  • partial vaginal outflow obstruction/imperforate hymen
  • the possibility of anatomical defects

Maps Adolescent sexuality


Views on sexual activity

One study from 1996 documented interviews with a sample of junior high school students in the United States. The girls tend to declare that they have had sex than boys. Among boys and girls who have had sexual intercourse, the proportion of girls and boys who have sex recently and are regularly sexually active are the same. Those who conducted the study speculated that fewer women said they had ever had sex because girls see parents as teenagers more a problem than boys. Girls are considered more limited in their sexual behavior; they are more likely than boys to believe that they will be able to control their sexual urges. Girls have a more negative relationship in how being sexually active can affect their future goals. In general, girls said they felt little pressure from peers to start having sex, while boys reported feeling more pressure.

The next study questioned the attitude of adolescents. When asked about abstinence, many girls reported that they felt in conflict. They try to maintain a good reputation balance by trying to maintain a romantic relationship and want to behave like adults. Boys view sex as a social capital. Many boys believe that their fasting male friends will not easily climb the social ladder as sexually active boys. Some boys say that for them, the risks that may come from having sex are not as bad as the social risks that can come from staying fast.

Birth control

In 2002, a survey was conducted in European countries about teenage sexual behavior. In a fifteen-year-old sample from 24 countries, most participants reported themselves that they had never had sexual intercourse. Among those who are sexually active, the majority (82%) use contraception.

Teen girls using the most common form of birth control pills, combined with estrogen and progestin, are 80% more likely to be prescribed as antidepressants than girls who do not control birth. Girls taking progestin pills alone are 120% probable. The risk of depression is threefold for adolescent girls using non-oral hormonal contraceptives.

The concept of missing virginity

In the United States, federal government mandated programs began in 1980 and promoted adolescent abstinence from sexual intercourse, resulting in adolescents turning to oral sex, of which about one-third of adolescents were considered a form of abstinence in the study.

Until their first act of sexual intercourse, adolescents generally see virginity in one of the following ways: as a gift, stigma, or normal step in development. Girls usually regard virginity as a gift, while boys consider virginity a stigma. In the interview, the girls say that they look to give someone their virginity like giving them a very special gift. Therefore, they often expect something in return such as increased emotional attachment with their partner or their partner's virginity. However, they often feel helpless because of this; they often do not feel that they actually receive what they expect in return and this makes them feel like they lack strength in their relationship. They feel that they have given something and do not feel like this act is acknowledged.

Thinking of virginity as a stigma weakens many boys because they feel very embarrassed and often try to hide the fact that they are virgins from their partner, which for some people causes their partner to seduce them and criticize them about their limited sexual techniques. Girls who see virginity as a stigma do not experience this humiliation. Although they personally regard virginity as stigmatized, these girls believe that society values ​​their virginity because of the stereotype that women are sexually passive. This, they say, makes it easier for them to lose their virginity as soon as they want it because they feel people have a more positive outlook on virgin girls and that this may have made them sexually attractive. Thinking of losing virginity as part of a natural development process results in a lack of power imbalance between boys and girls because these people feel less affected by others and more in control of their own sexual experiences. Male youth, however, are more likely than adolescent girls to see their virginity loss as a positive aspect of their sexuality because it is more accepted by peers.

Teen sexual function: gender similarities and differences

Lucia O'Sullivan and her colleagues studied adolescent sexual function; they compared adolescent samples with adult samples and found no significant difference between them. Desire, satisfaction and sexual function are generally high among the sample of their participants (ages 17-21). In addition, no significant gender differences were found in the prevalence of sexual dysfunction. In terms of problems with sexual function mentioned by participants in this study, the most common problems listed for men experienced anxiety about sexual activity (81.4%) and premature ejaculation (74.4%). Other common problems include erection problems and difficulty with ejaculation. Generally, most problems are not experienced chronically. Common problems for girls include difficulties with orgasm (86.7%), not being sexually attracted during sexual situations (81.2%), unsatisfied vaginal lubrication (75.8%) anxiety about sexual intercourse (75.8%) and pain (25.8%). %). Most of the problems that girls have listed are not persistent. However, the inability to experience orgasm seems to be a persistent problem for some participants.

The authors detected four trends during their interview: sexual pleasure increased with the amount of sexual experience that participants had; those who experience sexual difficulties usually avoid sex; some participants continue to engage in regular sexual activity even if they have low interest; and lastly, many experience pain when engaging in sexual activity if they experience low arousal.

Another study found that not infrequently teenage girls in the relationship reported that they felt little desire to engage in sexual activity when they were in a relationship. However, many girls do sexual activity even if they do not want it, to avoid what they think might put tension on their relationship. Researchers state that this may be due to public pressure on girls to be "good girls"; The pressure to be "good" can make teenage girls think they should not feel like boys. Even when girls say they really feel sexual desire, they say they feel like they should not, and often try to hide their feelings. This is an example of how societal expectations about gender can affect adolescent sexual functioning.

Same-sex attraction among teenagers

Young women and boys who are attracted to others of the same sex are strongly influenced by their environment in which teenagers often decide to express their sexuality or keep their secrecy dependent on certain factors in their society. These factors affect girls and boys differently. If schools and women's religions conflict with the same sex attractions, they pose the greatest obstacle to women experiencing the same sex attraction. These factors are not listed as affecting boys. The researchers suggest that this may be because not only some religions are opposed to same-sex attraction, but they also encourage traditional roles for women and do not believe that women can play this role as lesbians. Schools can affect girls more than boys because of the strong emphasis placed on girls to date boys, and many school activities are essential on heterosexuality (such as cheerleaders). Moreover, the idea of ​​not matching a typical male gender role prevents many boys from openly expressing same-sex attraction. Concerns about adjusting to gender roles do not prevent women from expressing the same gender preference, as people are generally more flexible about their gender expression.

Researchers like Lisa Diamond are interested in how some teenagers depart from gender norms and socially constructed sexuality. She found that some girls, when faced with the option of choosing "heterosexual", "same-sex" or "bisexual", prefer not to choose a label because their feelings do not fit into one of those categories.

In Brazil

The average age of Brazilians losing their virginity is 17.4 years, the second lowest number in the countries studied (first being Austrian), according to the results of this 2007 study, and they also ranked low in using condoms at their first moment, at 47.9% (surprising the researchers, people with low socioeconomic status are much more likely to do so than the higher). 58.4% of women report that in committed relationships versus only 18.9% of men (traditional cultural customs tend to force strongly on the male sexual power of equating masculinity and the quality of women into purity and purity at marriage), and scoring goals among countries where people have the most positive feelings about the first time, feel the joy and more mature afterwards (versus the most negative attitude that comes from Japan).

In another study, leading the international rankings, 29.6% of Brazilian men lost their virginity before the age of 15 (versus 8.8% of women), but on average completely lost virginity at age 16.5 and married at age 24 for men , and lost virginity at the age of 18.5 and married at age 20 for women. This is not much different from the national figure. In 2005, 80% of adolescents subsequently lost their virginity before the seventeenth birthday, and about 1 in every 5 new children in the country were born by a teenage mother, where the number of children per woman averaged 1.7, under the natural substitute and the third lowest in independent states in America, after Canada and Cuba.

A 2013 report through the national statistics of students from the last class before high school, general age (86%) 13-15, found 28.7% of them already lost their virginity, with both demographics of 40.1% boys and 18 , 3% of girls have reduced their rates since the last study, in 2009, which found results as 30.5% overall, 43.7% for boys and 18.7% for girls. More on 2013 research, 30.9% of those studying in public schools have started sexually, compared to 18% in private schools; 24.7% of sexually initiated adolescents did not use condoms in their latest sexual activity (22.9% boys, 28.2% girls), although in the school environment 89.1% received orientation about STD, 69.7% received an orientation in which condoms were obtained free of charge (as part of a public health campaign from the Brazilian government) and 82.9% had heard about other forms of contraceptive methods.

In Canada

One group of Canadian researchers found an association between self-esteem and sexual activity. They found that students, especially girls, who were verbally abused by teachers or rejected by their peers were more likely than other students to have sex at the end of Class 7. The researchers speculated that low self esteem increases the likelihood of sexual activity. "Low self-esteem seems to explain the relationship between peer rejection and early sex.Phys with a poor self-image may see sex as a way to become 'popular', according to the researchers."

In India

In India there is growing evidence that adolescents become more sexually active. It is feared that this will lead to an increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS among adolescents, increasing the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions, and causing conflict between contemporary social values. Teenagers have relatively poor access to health care and education. With cultural norms that oppose sexual behavior outside of marriage "this implication can obtain dimensions that threaten society and nation".

Motivation and frequency

Unmarried sexual intercourse is unusual among teenage boys and girls in India. So far, the best predictor of whether a girl will have sex is if her friends do the same. For girls whose friends have a physical relationship with a boy, 84.4% engage in the same behavior. Only 24.8% of girls whose friends have no physical relationship have one self. In urban areas, 25.2% of girls have sex and in rural areas 20.9%. A better indicator of whether or not women have sex is their work and school status. Girls not in school were 14.2% (17.4% v. 31.6%) more likely and girls employed were 14.4% (36.0% v. 21.6%) were more likely to have sex.

In Indian sociocultural girls, children have less access to parental love, schooling, opportunities for self-development and freedom of movement than boys. It has been argued that they may rebel against lack of access or seek affection through physical contact with boys. While the data reflect the trend to support this theory, it is not convincing. The freedom to communicate with adolescent boys is restricted to girls regardless of whether they live in an urban or rural environment, and regardless of whether they go to school or not. More urban girls from rural girls discuss sex with their friends. Those who may not feel "the subject of sexuality itself is considered an 'adult problem' and taboo or perhaps some respondents are careful to disclose such personal information."

Use of contraception

Among the Indian girls, "the misconceptions about sex, sexuality and sexual health are huge, but teenagers who have sex are somewhat better informed about the spread of STDs and HIV/AIDS." While 40.0% of sexually active girls are aware that condoms can help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and reduce the likelihood of pregnancy, only 10.5% use condoms during their last intercourse.

In the Netherlands

According to Advocates for Youth, teenage pregnancy rates the United States more than four times more than in the Netherlands. In comparison, in the documentary, Let's Talk About Sex, a photographer named James Houston travels from Los Angeles to D.C. and to the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, he contrasted European and American attitudes about sex. From the HIV level to the contemplation of teenage parents in America, Houston describes a society in which America and the Netherlands are different.

Most Dutch parents practice vigilance, where they have strong and open family ties to let their children make their own decisions.

Gezelligheid is a term used by many Dutch teenagers to describe their relationship with their family. The atmosphere is open and there is little that is not discussed between parents and children.

Amy Schalet, author of Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and Sex Cultures discusses in his book how Dutch parents' practices strengthen their bond with their children. Teenagers feel more comfortable about their sexuality and engage in discussions with their parents about it. The majority of Dutch parents feel comfortable allowing their teenagers to spend their evenings.

First Kiss
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Sexually transmitted infections

Adolescents have the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with older groups. Sexually active adolescents are more likely to believe that they will not contract sexually transmitted infections than adults. Adolescents are more likely to have an infected partner and are less likely to receive health care when STIs are suspected. They also tend to disobey treatment for STIs. Coinfection is common among teenagers.

STIs can have great negative physiological and psychological effects on a teenager. The purpose of pediatricians is for early diagnosis and treatment. Early treatment is important to prevent medical complications and infertility. STI prevention should be a priority for all health care providers for adolescents. The diagnosis of STI begins a simultaneous evaluation of STIs and the notification and treatment of sexual partners. Some states in the US require IMS reporting to the state health department.

Adolescence sexual orientation essay College paper Help
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Influence of media

Modern media contains more sexual messages than is true in the past and the effects on teenage sexual behavior remain relatively unknown. Only 9% of sex scenes in 1,300 cable network programming discuss and deal with the negative consequences of sexual behavior. The Internet can further provide juvenile bad information about health issues, sexuality, and sexual violence.

A study of checking sexual messages on popular TV shows found that 2 of 3 programs contained sexual acts. 1 of 15 performances including the scene of the sexual relationship itself. The show features a variety of sexual messages, including characters talking about when they want to have sex and how to use sex to keep the relationship alive. Some researchers believe that teens can use this message as well as the sexual acts they see on TV in their own sexual lives.

The results of a study by Deborah Tolman and colleagues show that adolescent exposure to sexuality on television in general does not directly affect their sexual behavior, but rather is the type message they see that has the greatest impact. Gender stereotypes imposed in sexual scenes on TV appear to have a major influence on adolescents. Girls feel that they have less control over their sexuality when they see men underestimating women and disrespecting commitment. This study discusses the risks of women internalizing this message and spreading the idea that it's okay to be weak and answer to men all the time. However, girls who see women on TV who reject men's sexual urges usually feel more comfortable talking about their own sexual needs in their sexual experiences as well as on their own. They are comfortable setting up sexual limits and therefore have greater control over their sexuality. Findings for boys are less clear; those who see dominant and aggressive men actually have fewer sexual experiences.

But some experts argue that such media effect claims are too early. In addition, according to US government health statistics, adolescents have delayed the onset of sexual relations in recent years, despite the growing number of sexual media.

A 2008 study wanted to find out if there was a correlation between sexual content displayed in the media and teenage pregnancy. Research shows that adolescents who see high levels of sexual content are twice as likely to get pregnant within three years compared to teenagers who are not exposed to sexual content. This study concluded that the way the media portray sex has a profound effect on adolescent sexuality.

Adolescent Sexual Health â€
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Teen pregnancy

Teenage girls become fertile following menarche (the first menstrual period), which usually occurs between the ages of 11 and 12. After menarche, sexual intercourse (especially without contraception) can lead to pregnancy. Pregnant teenagers may then miscarry, have an abortion, or take the child to full term.

Pregnant teenagers face many of the same birth problems as women in their 20s and 30s. However, there are additional medical concerns for younger mothers, especially those under 15 and those living in developing countries. For example, obstetric fistula is a special problem for very young mothers in poorer areas. For mothers between 15 and 19, the risk is more related to socioeconomic factors compared to the biological effects of age. However, studies have shown that the risk of low birth weight is linked to the biological age itself, as observed in adolescent births even after controlling for other risk factors (such as the use of antenatal care, etc.).

Around the world, teenage birth rates are widespread. For example, sub-Saharan Africa has a high proportion of teenage mothers whereas industrialized Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan have very low levels. Teenage pregnancies in developed countries are usually out of wedlock, and carry social stigma; teenage mothers and their children in developed countries show lower levels of education, higher poverty rates, and a worse "living outcome" compared to older mothers and their children. In developing countries, teenage pregnancies are usually in marriage and do not carry such stigma.

Chapter 11: Adolescence Case Study: Teenage Employees Around the ...
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Legal aspects of teenage sexual activity

Sexual behavior between adults and adolescents younger than the local age is illegal, and in some Islamic countries any kind of sexual activity outside of marriage is prohibited. In many jurisdictions, sexual intercourse between adolescents with near-age differences is not prohibited. Around the world, the average age-approval is 16, but this varies from age 12 in Angola, age 16 in Spain and Canada, and age 16-18 in the United States. In some jurisdictions, age-consent to homosexual acts may differ from those for heterosexual action. Age-approval in certain jurisdictions is usually the same as age of majority or few years younger. The age at which a person can legally marry also sometimes differs from the legal age of consent.

Sexual intercourse with a person under the age of consent is generally a criminal offense in the jurisdiction where the act was committed, with penalties ranging from tos penalties to life imprisonment. Many different terms exist for alleged allegations and include rape by law, illegal earthly knowledge, or underage corruption. In some cases, sexual activity with a person above the legal age of consent but under the age of majority may be punished under the law against contributions to delinquency of minors.

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The society's influence on teenage sexuality

Social constructionist perspective

The social constructionist perspective (see social construction for a general definition) of adolescent sexuality examines how power, culture, meaning and sex interact to influence teenage sexuality. This perspective is closely linked to feminism and odd theories. Those who believe in social constructionist perspectives state that the current meaning of most people in our society bound by female and male sexuality is actually a social construction to keep heterosexual and privileged people in power.

Researchers interested in exploring juvenile sexuality using this perspective usually investigate how gender, race, culture, socioeconomic status and sexual orientation affect how teenagers understand their own sexuality. An example of how gender affects sexuality is when young teenage girls claim that they believe sex is the method used to maintain relationships when boys are emotionally unavailable. Because they are women, they believe they should engage in sexual behavior to please their girlfriends.

Developmental feminist perspective

The growing feminist perspective is closely related to the social constructionist perspective. Particularly interested in how societal gender norms influence adolescent development, especially for girls. For example, some researchers on this topic argue that adolescent girls are still strongly influenced by the gender roles imposed on them by society and that this in turn affects their sexuality and sexual behavior. Deborah Tolman is an advocate for this point of view and states that public pressure to be "good" causes girls to pay more attention to what they think others expect of them than to look inside themselves to understand their own sexuality. Tolman states that young girls learn to realize their own bodies and ultimately think of themselves as objects of desire. This causes them to often see their own bodies when others see them, which causes them to feel the release of their bodies and their sexuality. Tolman calls this a disembodiment process. This process makes young girls unfussy about their own sexual desires and needs because they are so focused on what others expect from them rather than on what they feel inside.

Another way gender roles affect adolescent sexuality is considered a double sexual standard. This double standard occurs when others judge women to engage in premarital sex and to embrace their sexuality, while men are rewarded for the same behavior. This is a double standard because the sexes behave similarly, but are judged differently for their actions because of their gender. This example can be seen in Tolman's research when he interviews girls about their experiences with their sexuality. In Tolman's interview, girls who seek sex because they want it feel they should cover it regularly (for example, they blame their sexual behavior while drinking) to be not judged by others in their school. They fear being viewed negatively by enjoying their sexuality. Many girls are trying to make their own solutions (like blaming their sexual behavior on something else or silencing their own desires and choosing not to engage in sexual behavior) for the real problem caused by an imbalance of forces between the sexes in our society. Other studies have shown that girls are tired of being assessed for their sexual behavior because of their gender. However, even these girls are strongly influenced by social gender roles and rarely talk about their own desires and instead talk about how "ready" (rather than experiencing desire) will determine their sexual encounters.

O'Sullivan and his colleagues rated 180 girls between the ages of 12 and 14 on their perception of what their first sexual encounter was like; many girls reported feeling negative emotions toward sex before the first time. The researchers think this is because teenage girls are taught that people perceive teenage pre-marital sex in negative terms. When they report positive feelings, the most common is an interesting feeling. This shows how many girls negotiate their own bodies and often think about this before they think of their own sexual desires and needs.

Researchers found that having older siblings, especially older brothers, affects how girls perceive sex and sexuality. Girls with older brothers have a more traditional view of sexuality and say they are less interested in looking for sex, and less interested in responding to boys' sexual advancement than girls without older siblings. The researchers believe this is because older siblings model gender roles, so girls with older siblings (especially brothers) may have a more traditional view of what the society says girls and boys should be as; girls with older brothers may believe that sexual intercourse is mostly for having children, rather than to gain sexual pleasure. This traditional view may prevent them from focusing on their own sexuality and desires, and may render them limited by the gender roles that society prescribes.

Social learning and sexual self-concept

Developing sexual self-concept is an important developmental step during adolescence. This is when teens try to make sense and organize their sexual experiences so that they understand the underlying structures and motivations for their sexual behavior. This sexual self-concept helps teenagers organize their past experiences, but also gives them information to harness their current and future thoughts and sexual experiences. The sexual self-concept affects sexual behavior for both men and women, but also affects the development of relationships for women. Development of a person's sexual self-concept can occur even before the sexual experience begins. An important part of sexual self-concept is sexual appreciation, which includes how one evaluates their sexuality (including their thoughts, emotions, and sexual activity). Another aspect is sexual anxiety; this includes a person's negative evaluation of sex and sexuality. The concept of the sexual self is not only developed from sexual experience; both girls and boys can learn from various social interactions such as their family, sexual education programs, media portrayals and from their friends and associates. Girls with a positive self-scheme are more likely to be liberal in their attitudes about sex, more likely to see themselves as passionate and open to sexual experiences and more likely to judge sexual experiences as positive. Their views on relationships show that they are very concerned about romance, love, and intimacy. Girls who have a more negative outlook often say they feel self-conscious about their sexuality and see more negative sexual relationships. The sexual self concept of girls with a negative outlook is more influenced by others; girls who have more positive views less so.

Boys are less willing to state that they have negative feelings about sex than girls when they describe their sexual self-schemes. Boys are not divided into positive and negative sexual self-concepts; they are divided into schema and non-schematic (scheme is a group of ideas about the process or aspects of the world; see schematics). Boys who are sexually sexually more sexually experienced, have higher levels of sexual arousal, and are better able to experience romantic feelings. Unchematic boys have fewer sexual partners, fewer sexual experiences and are much less likely than schematic men to be in romantic relationships.

When comparing the sexual self-concept of adolescent girls and men, researchers found that boys experienced lower sexual self-esteem and higher sexual anxiety. The children said they were less able to resist or refuse sex at a greater rate than girls who reported having difficulties with this. The authors state that this may be because people put so much emphasis on teaching girls how to be resistant to sex, that boys do not learn these skills and are less able to use them when they want to say no to sex. They also explain how community stereotypes that boys are always ready to want sex and arousal can contribute to the fact that many boys may not feel comfortable refusing sex, because it is something people tell them they should want. Because people expect boys to be assertive, dominant and controllable, they are limited in how they feel they deserve to act in romantic relationships. Many boys feel lower self esteem when they can not achieve the hyper-masculine ideals that society says. In addition, there is not much guidance on how boys should act in relationships and many boys do not know how to maintain their masculinity while being authentic and avenge the affection in their relationship. This difficult dilemma is called a double-edged masculine sword by several researchers.

Hensel and colleagues conducted a study with 387 female participants between the ages of 14 and 17 and found that as girls grew older (and learned more about their sexual self-concept), they experienced less anxiety, greater comfort with sexuality and experience more instances of sexual activity. In addition, for four years (from 14-17), sexual self-esteem increased, and sexual anxiety decreased. The researchers suggest that this may indicate that the more sexual experience girls have, the more confident they are in their sexual behavior and sexuality. In addition, it may mean that for girls who have not had sexual intercourse, they become more confident and ready to participate in the meeting for the first time. The researchers stated that these patterns suggest that teenage sexual behavior is not sporadic and impulsive at all, but rather that it is strongly influenced by the sexual self-concept of adolescent girls and changes and extends over time.

Adolescent sexuality in the United States - Wikiwand
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Sex education

Sex education, also called "Sexual Education" or informally "Sex Ed" is education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, human sexual behavior, and other aspects of sexuality, such as body image, sexual orientation, dating, and relationships. Common avenues for sex education are parents, caregivers, friends, school programs, religious groups, popular media, and public health campaigns.

Sexual education is not always taught the same in every country. For example, in France, sex education has been part of the school curriculum since 1973. Schools are expected to provide 30 to 40 hours of sex education, and provide condoms to students in grades eight and nine. In January, 2000, the French government launched an information campaign on contraception with TV and radio venues and distribution of five million leaflets on contraception for high school students.

In Germany, sex education has been part of the school curriculum since 1970. Since 1992 sex education is by law as a government duty. A survey by the World Health Organization on European adolescent habits in 2006 revealed that German adolescents care about contraception. The birth rate among Germans aged 15 to 19 years is 11.7 per 1000 population, compared with 2.9 per 1000 population in Korea, and 55.6 per 1000 population in the US.

According to SIECUS, the Council on Information and Sexuality Education in the United States, in most families, parents are the main sex educators for their teenagers. They found that 93% of adults they surveyed supported sexuality education in high school and 84% supported it in junior high school. In fact, 88% of parents of middle school students and 80% of middle school students' parents believe that sex education in school makes it easier for them to talk to their teens about sex. Also, 92% of teenagers report that they want to talk to their parents about sex and have sex education in a comprehensive school.

In America, not only do US students receive sex education in schools or religious programs, but they are also educated by their parents. American parents are less likely to affect their children's actual sexual experiences than they are just telling their children what they should not do. They promote abstinence when educating their children with things that can make their teenagers not want to engage in sexual activity.

Almost all US students receive some form of sex education at least once between grades 7 and 12; many schools start discussing some topics as early as 5th or 6th grade. However, what students learn varies widely, as curriculum decisions are quite decentralized. The two main forms of sex education are taught in American schools: comprehensive and non-abstinence. A 2002 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 58% of high school principals described their sex education curriculum as comprehensive, while 34% said their primary school message was abstinence. The difference between these two approaches, and their effect on adolescent behavior, remains a controversial subject in the US. Some studies show abstinence programs just to have no positive effects. Other studies have demonstrated a special program to generate more than 2/3 students who maintain that they will remain fast until the midday month after completing such a program; Such virginity promises, however, are statistically ineffective, and more than 95% of Americans, in fact, have sex before marriage.

In Asia, sex education programs exist in various stages of development. Indonesia, Mongolia, South Korea and Sri Lanka have a systematic policy framework to teach about sex in schools. Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have assessed the need for adolescent reproductive health with a view to developing training, messages and special materials for adolescents. India has a program specifically targeted at schoolchildren in the age group of nine to sixteen. It includes subjects in the curriculum and generally involves open and honest interactions with teachers. Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan do not have coordinated sex education programs.

Some educators argue that sexuality is equated with violence. These educators think that not talking about sexuality will lower the level of adolescent sexuality. However, not having access to sexual education has been found to have negative effects on students, especially groups such as adolescent girls coming from low-income families. Not receiving proper sexual health education increases teen pregnancy, sexual victimization and high school dropout rates. The researchers stated that it is important to educate students about all aspects of sexuality and sexual health to reduce the risk of this problem.

The view that sexuality is victimization teaches girls to be cautious of being sexually victimized and exploited. Educators who hold this perspective encourage sexual education, but focus on teaching girls how to say no, teaching them about the risks of becoming victims and educating them about the risks and diseases of becoming sexually active. This perspective teaches adolescents that boys are predators and that girls are victims of sexual abuse. The researchers stated that this perspective does not address the presence of desire in women, does not address the societal variables that influence sexual violence and teach girls to view sex as dangerous just before marriage. In fact, sexual violence can be very common in marriage as well.

Other perspectives include the idea that sexuality is an individual morality; this encourages women to make their own decisions, as long as their decision is to refuse sex before marriage. This education encourages self-control and purity.

Lastly, the perspective of sexual education from the discourse of desire is very rare in US high school. This perspective encourages teenagers to learn more about their desires, gain pleasure and feel confident in their sexuality. The researchers stated that this view would empower women because it would place an emphasis on them as victims and encourage them to have greater control over their sexuality.

Research on how gender stereotypes affect youth sexuality is important because researchers believe it can show sexual health educators how they can improve their programs to more accurately address the needs of adolescents. For example, research has shown how socially constructed notions that girls "should" not be interested in sex have made it harder for women to have their voices heard when they want to have safer sex. At the same time, sexual educators constantly tell girls to make choices that will lead them to safer sex, but do not always tell them 'how' they should do this. Examples like this show the difficulties that can arise from not exploring how people's perspective on gender and sexuality affects teenage sexuality.

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See also

  • Adolescent sexuality in Canada
  • Adolescent sexuality in the United Kingdom
  • Adolescent sexuality in the United States
  • Age difference in intercourse
  • Child sexuality
  • Condoms
  • Family Planning
  • Romeo and Juliet's Law
  • Sexual ethics

Sexual Behavior in Children - ppt video online download
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External links

  • Support for teenagers

Source of the article : Wikipedia
