Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

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Bulgarian Conjugation is the creation of a derivative form of the Bulgarian verb from the main part by inflection. It is influenced by people, amount, gender, tense, mood and sound. Bulgarian verbs are conventionally divided into three conjugations according to the thematic vowels they use in the present tense:

  • First conjugation: verbs using vowels ? (/?/).
  • 2nd conjugation: vowel using ? (/i/).
  • The third conjugation: the athematic verb, the ending stem ? or ? .

In the dictionary, the Bulgarian verb is registered with a first-person-single-present-tense form, due to a lack of infinitivity. This form is called a citation form.

Bulgarian verbs are conjugated using the formula:

                            v         e         r         b           Ã,         f         or         r         m                =                               batang                                                      vokal tematik                                                      infleksional suffix                               {\ displaystyle \ mathrm {verb \ form} = {\ mbox {stem}} {\ mbox {thematic vowel}} {\ mbox {inflectional suffix}} }  Â

where thematic vowels and inflection suffixes are only optional. The verb stem is what remains of the quotation form after issuing its final letter. Sometimes in the conjugation process, the stem may undergo some changes. In this article, every change of the bar is blue, the thematic vocals are red, and the infeksional tip is green.

Video Bulgarian conjugation

Infective suffix

Personal suffix

Below is the end of all finite forms:

1 When not pressed.

2 During stress.

3 Just a few irregular first conjugated verbs.

End end without end

This is the end of the non-limited form:

Maps Bulgarian conjugation

Thematic vocal

Below is a thematic vowel table. They are inserted between the stem and the tip.

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Limited shape

Present Tense

First conjugation

Verbs of the first conjugate using the thematic vowel ? (/?/) between the trunk and the private end, except in the first person singular and the plural third, where the tip is added directly to the rod.

All verbs with citation forms ending in ? using the end - ? and - ?? in first person singular and third person plural respectively.

* Note that the end - ? and - ?? when emphasized pronounced/?/And/? T?/, No/a/,/at?/.

All verbs with stems ending in vowels using the end - ? and - ?? in first person singular and third person plural respectively.

All verbs with quotes that end in ? also uses the end - ? and - ?? in single person singular and third person plural.

All verbs with stems ending in - ? (/k/) or - ? (/g/) changed ? and ? to ? (/t?/) and ? (/?/) each before the thematic vowel ? . This change is not limited to the present tense and always occurs before /i/, /?/ and vowel yat.

Second conjugation

The verbs of the second conjugate use the thematic vowel ? (/i/) between the trunk and the private end, except in the first person singular and third plural, where the tip is added directly to the rod.

All verbs with stems do not end - ? (/?/), - ? (/t?/) or - ? (/?/) using the end - ? and - ?? in first person singular and third person plural.

* Note that end - ? and - ?? when emphasized pronounced/j?/And J? T?/, Not/ja/,/jat?/.

All verbs with stems ending in - ? (/?/), - ? (/t?/) or - ? (/?/) using the end - ? and - ?? in first person singular and third person plural.

* Note that the end - ? and - ?? when emphasized pronounced/?/And/? T?/, No/a/,/at?/.

The third conjugation

In fact, the verbs of the third conjugate are athematic, since the personal ends are added directly to the stem without the thematic vowels in between. It might seem that the vowel ? (/?/) is inserted between them, but the vowel is actually part of the trunk. All verbs have a good ending stem ? or ? .

Past Imperfect

The imperfect past always follows the current stress patterns.

First and second conjugations

This verb uses old vocals between the stem and the personal end. When emphasized, it is pronounced as /ja/ (written ? ) or /a/ (written ? ) after /?/, /t?/ and /?/. When not pressed, it's pronounced as /?/ (written ? ). In the second and third singles it is always pronounced as /?/.

* Consonant letters ? (/k/) and ? (/g/) changed to ? (/t?/) and ? (/?/) before the vowel? (/?/) and ? (/i/).

Also, after ? (/?/), ? (/t?/) and ? (/?/) a pressed vowel may be pronounced either as /a/ (as above) or as /?/. The latter forms have largely become unused.

The third conjugation

The verbs of the third conjugate do not use the thematic vowels, the tip is added directly to the stem.

Pastor Aorist

In the first and second conjugations, the verb is also divided into classes according to the thematic vocals they use. In the third conjugation, the verb is divided into classes according to the final vowel of the stem.


Verbs with pressure on the stem can store them there or move them to a thematic vowel (or the final vowel of the stem in the case of a third conjugate athematic verb). However, this shift can only occur if the verb is not repaired or if it is not perfect. Forms with undesirable stress are typically typical for eastern dialects and forms with stress shift for western dialect. However, the latter forms have become styles marked as dialects and should be avoided and used only to distinguish the opposite forms of homonym.

A perfect verbal prefix with an emphasis on the stem does not change it.

Verbs with pressure on thematic vocals remain there with the exception of the first conjugated verbs of the first class and several others.

First conjugation

First class

The verb has a vowel? (/o?/) or ? (/?/) in seconds and a single third person between the stem and the private edges. This subkey ends with ? (/d?/), ? (/t?/), ? (/s/), ? (/z/) and ? (/k/). This class contains only 23 main verbs, which, however, are some of the most used and there are hundreds of prefix verbs formed from them:

??? ÃÆ'¡ , (?? -) ???? ÃÆ'¡ , ????? * , (?? -) ??? ÃÆ'¡ , ???? ÃÆ'¡ , ??? * , ? ????? * , ???? ÃÆ'¡ , ???? ÃÆ'¡ , (? -) ???? ? , ??? ÃÆ'¡ , (? -) ??? ÃÆ'¡ , ??? ÃÆ'¡ , ??? ÃÆ'¡ , ???? ÃÆ'¡ , ???? ÃÆ'¡ , ???? ÃÆ'¡ * , ??? ÃÆ'¡ , ??? ÃÆ'¡ , ??? ÃÆ'¡ , ??? ? ÃÆ'¡ , ??? ÃÆ'¡ , ?? *

* The verbs are irregular but are considered part of the first class because in AORIST they behave as they normally are.

Although the verb stem is ???? ends in ? (/k/), it's not part of this class, it belongs to the next one.

An important feature of regular verbs of the first class is that stress always moves on the last syllable of the stem (unless it already exists). This stress position is stored in past AORIST active participants, passive past participle and verbal nouns.

* The consonant ? (/k/) changed to ? (/t?/) before the vowel? (/?/).

The verb (?? -) ???? ÃÆ'¡ , ???? ÃÆ'¡ , (? -) ????? and ??? ÃÆ'¡ has a long yolk vocal on the trunk, which alternates between ? (/ja/) and ? (/?/) according to pronunciation in the eastern dialect.

Second class

This verb uses a thematic vowel ? (/a/ or /?/) between the trunk and the private ends. The stem of this verb ends with a different consonant than ? /?/, ? /t?/, ? /?/, ? (/d?/), ? (/t?/), ? (/s/), ? (/z/) or ? (/k/), and their citation form ends with ? . This class contains over 400 major verbs.

* Note the stress shifts as mentioned above.

Ending stick - ?? (/? R/), like ???? , ???? and ? ??? , losing ? (/?/):

In a verb ????? and ????? stress moves to the stem. This is because they were first class.

Third class

This verb also uses a thematic vowel ? (/a/ or /?/). This class is almost identical to the previous one, the only difference is that the citation form ends in ? . It contains 23 major verbs:

?????? *, ?????? *, ?????? *, ?????? , ?????? *, ????? *, ??? ?? , ?????? *, ?????? *, ????? , ?????? *, ?????? *, ?????? *, ?? ??? , ?????? , ???????? *, ?????? , ?????? *, ?????? *, ????? , ? ????? *, ?????? *, ????

* This verb has moved to the first class of the second conjugate because of the analogy. The first form of conjugation can still be found, but it is considered ancient.

* Note the stress shifts as mentioned above.

The verb ????? contains a yolk vow that alternates between ? (/ja/) and ? (/?/):

Fourth class

The verb uses the vowel? (/a/ or /?/) between the stem and the private edges. This trunk ends in one consonant ? /?/, ? /t?/ or ? /?/, which in AORIST converts to ? /? (/z , g/), k (/k/? (/s/) respectively. This class contains 27 main verbs:

Change from/?/to/z/: ?????? , ?????? , ??? ?? , ????? , ????? , ????? , ? ???? , ???????
Change from/?/to/g/: ????? , ??????? , ?????? ?
Change from/t?/to/k/: ?????? , ?????? , ????? ? , ?????? , ?????? , ????? , ??????
Change from/?/to/s/: ?????? , ?????? , ?????? ? , (? -) ????? , ????? , ????? *, ??????? , ????????? , ?????

* ???? also belongs to the second conjugation.

* Note the stress shifts as mentioned above.

???? has a yolk vocal, which alternates between ? (/ja/) and ? (/?/).

The verb ?????? ( ??????? ), ????? ( ?????? ) and ???? ( ?????? ) used to belong to this class but has now completely migrated to the second conjugation.

The fifth class

This class uses yat vowels between the stem and the personal ends. This is consistently pronounced as ? (/ja/) in all forms. The stem of this verb ends with a consonant letter ? (/r/), except for broken verbs ?? . This is the smallest class, contains only 6 major verbs:

??? , ??? , ??? , (? -) ???? , ???????? , ??
Sixth grade

This class uses thematic vowels ? (/ja/ or /j?/). The class contains a small number of verbs, whose roots end up in vowel ? (/a/) or ? (/?/):

????? , ???? , ????? , ??? ? , ???? , ???? , ????? *, ??? ? ?? , (?? -) ????? , ????? , ???? , ???? ?? , ?????? ?? , ?????? , ?????? ?? , ???? ?? , ????? , ????? ??

* Verbs are from ???? by the prefix belonging to the seventh grade.

Some verbs include both these and to the next class. Some examples are: ??? , ???? , ??? , ???? ?? , etc.

* Note the stress shifts as mentioned above.

Seventh grade

These verbs do not use any thematic vocals. Personal tip is added directly to the trunk, which almost always ends with a vowel, either ? (/a/), ? (/ja/), ? (/?/), ? (/i/), ? (/u/) or ? (/ju/). This class contains over 250 main verbs, some of which are:

Stem in /a/ or /ja/ Ã,: ?????? , ?? ???? , ?????? , ?????? , ?????? , (?? -) ????? , ?????? , ?????? , ??????? , ??????? , ????? , ??????? , ??????? , etc.
Stem in /?/ Ã,: ??????? , ???????? , ??????? , ????? , ???????? , ???? ?? , ???? , ???? , ???? , ???? ??? , etc.
Stem in /i/ (only 9 main verbs) Ã,: ???? , ???? , ????? , ????? , ???? , ???? , ???? , ????? , ???? .
Bars in /u/ or /ju/ (only 6 main verbs) Ã,: (?? -) ???? , ????? , ????? , (?? -) ??? , (?? -) ????? , ???? .

All stems ending in /?/ actually ends with an old yolk vocal pronounced as ? (/ja/) or ? (/a/) after /?/, /t?/ and /?/ in all forms of AORIST.

Ended stem - ?? (/? M/) are also considered to be included in this class because they do not use thematic vocals. They are a special case because the stem loses ? (/m/) before adding a private tip.

Second conjugation

First class

This verb uses the vowel ? (/i/) between the trunk and the personal ends. There are both stems that end with consonants and stems that end in vowels. Most verbs of the second conjugate belong to this class.

* Note the dual stress patterns as mentioned above.

Second class

This verb uses old vocals between the stem and the personal end. This consistently speaks as ? (/ja/) in all forms. Most of the bars end with consonants (different from ? /?/, ? /t?/ or < b>? /?/) but there are some ending vocals. The verb is characterized by the fact that stress always falls on a thematic vowel in all forms, not exclusively in AORIST. This class contains 76 major verbs.

Third class

This verb uses the vowel ? (/a/) between the private end and the bar, which always ends in ? /?/ or ? /t?/. Stress is always on thematic vocals in all forms, just like in the previous class. Class contains 27 main verbs:

??????? , ????? , ?????? , ?????? , ??????? , ?????? , ???? , ????? , ?????? , ?????? , ??? ??? , ?????? , ????? , ????? , ????? , ????? , ?????? , ????? , ?????? , ??????? , ????? , ???? ?? , ????? , ??????? , ????? , ??????? .

The third conjugation

All verbs conjugate in the same way (without the thematic vowels, simply by adding personal ends directly to the stem); however, the Bulgarian grammar books divide them into two classes, depending on the final vowel of the stem.

First class

This is a bar ending in ? (/a/). Most of the third conjugation verbs are included in this class.

* Note the stress shifts as described above.

Second class

This verb ends with ? (/ja/). This class is much smaller than the first.

* Note the stress shifts as described above.

The imperative atmosphere

Inflative forms of imperative exist only for the second person. Others use periphrastic construction. All regular verbs, regardless of conjugation, form an imperative mood in the same way:

  • A vocally ending stem (which includes all third conjugation verbs) using a (semi) thematic vowel ? (/j/) between the trunk and the private end. These verbs usually do not have a stress shift, they keep pressure from the present tense, except on the thematic vowels, in this case moving on the previous syllable, since /j/ is not a vowel and can not be emphasized.
  • Trunk that ends with consonant letter using thematic vowel ? (/i/) in singular and vowel ? (/?/) in the plural. Stress is always on thematic vocals.

Some verbs, especially culminating in ? (/z/) from the first class of the first conjugate, and some other frequently used ones, using only bare bars without the thematic vowels:

* Yat vowel changed to ? (/?/).

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Non-limited form

Present Participle On

Just an imperfect verb that has a PRESENT ACTIVE PARTICIPLE. It is formed from the first-singular-perfect-not-perfect verb form by deleting the end ? (/x/) and added ? (/? t?/). This word is defined as an ordinary adjective (see suffix).

* Although vocal yat is followed by a syllable that contains ? (/i/), is not it said as ? (/?/).

Last Active Aorist Particles

It is formed from the first-person-singular-aorist verb form by deleting the end ? (/x/) and added ? (/?/), after which inflection is an adjective (see the suffix). Only the first class verbs of the first conjugate form are somewhat different: the thematic vowel ? (/o?/) deleted and ? (/?/) is added directly to the bar with some additional changes:

  • The stem is ? (/d?/) and ? (/t?/) lost them;
  • The stem is ? (/s/), ? (/z/) and ? (/k/) has an epenthetic ? (/?/) between the bar and ? (/?/) in an infinite form of masculine (not in all other forms).

The past participle active aorist continues to suppress past theorists, whether shifted or not.

1 Since the vowel yat is followed by a syllable containing ? (/i/) is pronounced as ? (/?/).

2 Although the vowel yat is followed by a syllable containing ? (/i/), it's not pronounced as ? (/?/).

Past Active Imperfect Participle

It is formed from the first-singular-perfect-not-perfect verb form by deleting the end ? (/x/) and added ? (/?/). This word is defined as an ordinary adjective, but without a definite form, since it is never used as an actual adjective, but only in a particular verbal construction (see the suffix).

1 Since the vowel yat is followed by a syllable containing ? (/i/) is pronounced as ? (/?/).

2 Although the vowel yat is followed by a syllable containing ? (/i/), it's not pronounced as ? (/?/).

Passive Past Participle

Only transitive verbs have passive past participle. It is formed from the first-person-singular-aorist verb form by deleting the end ? (/x/) and added ? (/n/) or ? (/t?/), after which inflection is an adjective (see the suffix). The verb from the first class of first conjugate and the first class of the second conjugate converts the thematic vowel from the previous aorist to ? (/?/).

Most of the verbs use ending ? (/n/), just a few verbs of the first conjugation using ? (/t?/), ie all verbs with stems ending in ? (/n/) of the second class, and some verbs of the seventh class (all stems ending /i/, /u/, /ju/, /? m/ and some others). Some verbs of the seventh class can use both ends.

Although a passive past participle is formed from past aorists, it has no stress shift, it always keeps pressure from the present tense, except for the first conjugate verbs of the first class, and the verb ???? ? and ????? that used to belong to the first class.

1 Note that the thematic vowel ? (/o?/) changed to ? (/?/).

2 Consonant ? (/k/) changed to ? (/t?/) before the front vowel ? (/?/).

3 Since the vowel yat is followed by a syllable containing ? (/i/) is pronounced as ? (/?/).

4 Note that there is no stress shift, unlike past theorists and past AORIST active participants.

5 Note that the thematic vowel ? (/i/) changed to ? (/?/).

Adverbial Participle

Just an imperfect verb that has an adverbial participle. Verbs of first and second conjugations using thematic vowels ? (/?/) between the stem and the end - ??? (/jk? i/). The verbs of the third conjugation only add the end without using thematic vowels. This participant can not be changed.

The adverbial participle saves pressure from the present tense.

Verbal Noun

Just an imperfect verb that has a verbal noun. It is formed either from the first person-singular-not-perfect form or the aorist of the verb (or of both). Final ? (/x/) deleted and end ?? (/n?/) is added. After that it's inflection as a neutral noun (see the suffix). If the thematic vowel is ? (/o?/), ? (/i/) or vowel yat, it's changed to ? (/?/) before adding the end.

The stem ends ? (/n/) from the second class of the first conjugate, and the bar ends in ? (/?/), ? (/i/), ? (/u/) and ? (/ju/) of the seventh class uses only the past imperfect to form a verb noun. All verbs of the first class of the second conjugation use only theorists of the past. The remaining verbs may only use past theorists, only the imperfect past or both. It is not determined by the conjugation or the class where the verb is owned, it is a characteristic attached to each verb.

When a verbal noun is formed from a past theoretician, lacking a stress shift, it usually creates current tension pressures, except for the first conjugate verbs of the first class, and several other verbs that move the tension further. back to the end.

1 Note that the thematic vowel ? (/o?/) changed to ? (/?/).

3 Since the vowel yat is followed by a syllable containing ? (/?/), is it pronounced as ? (/?/).

3 Because both vowels ? (/o?/) and the vowel is changed to ? (/?/), two forms of verbal nouns are written the same, but are spoken differently, they are different from stress positions.

4 Notice that stress is at the end.

5 Notice that there is no stress shift, just like a past passive participle and not like a past aorist and active participants in the past.

6 Notice that the thematic vowel ? (/i/) changed to ? (/?/).

7 Since theorists of the past and imperfect forms are identical, the two forms of the noun are also identical.

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  • Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgarian Language Institute (1983) ????????? ?? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ????. ??? 2. ??????????

Source of the article : Wikipedia
