Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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Basics of Confederate Uniforms

Each branch of the American Confederate armed forces had their own fatigues and uniforms and regulatory clothing during the American Civil War, which lasted from 12 April 1861 to May 1865.

The initial uniforms vary widely for various reasons, such as location, limitations on the supply of fabrics and other materials, different state regulations of standard regulations, and material costs during the war. Texas units, for example, have access to a large stock of US blue uniforms, obtained after the Confederate forces seized the US supply depot in San Antonio in 1861. It was used until the end of 1863. Initially, soldiers sometimes wore uniform combination pieces, with what they can get from arrested US troops, or from the US and Confederate who are dead, or just wear civilian clothes. There is some controversy about some precise details of some uniforms, as some records are lost or destroyed after the Civil War ends.

Video Uniforms of the Confederate States Armed Forces

Service uniform uniform

The original Confederate uniforms of all branches of the military closely follow the lines of the US Armed Forces. This was until June 6, 1861, when the Confederate Council issued a General Order 9, new rules for the Confederate, Cavalry and Artillery Infantry.

The new uniform was designed by Nicola Marschall, a German-American artist who also designed the original Confederate flag. He was strongly influenced by the mid-1800s uniforms of Austrian and French soldiers.

Though the regular Confederate military has a paper force of 6,000 personnel, the first 100,000 volunteers from across the South participated in various outfits. Many come from state militia clothing, which have their own uniforms issued by the state. In the initial battle, some Confederate units dressed in dark blue uniforms are often mistaken on the battlefield for enemies. In contrast, many US units originally militia units fought with gray.

It was not until the depot system was founded in early 1862 by the Confederate Quartermaster in Richmond, Virginia, that the uniforms were mass-produced and supplied to the troops. Until then, "replacement systems" already exist; this allows soldiers to have their own uniforms made for new CSA rules and replaced by the CS government. Allowance for uniforms is $ 21 per six months. In a letter from 2nd Arkansas Cavalry Regiment (Slemons'), Corporate Lieutenant D Walter Greenfield to his wife on April 11, 1862 from his home near Shiloh, Greenfield wrote:

"All our officers are fully equipped Uniforms are only $ 90 dollars and saddles 85."

Officers had to buy their own uniforms until March 6, 1864, when General Order 28 was released; this allows Confederate officers to buy uniforms from the same source as troops, and at the cost price.

After Richmond Depot, other depots began across the South to supply their respective regional troops. Major depots are in Columbus, Athens and Atlanta, Georgia for the Tennessee Army and Houston, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana for the Trans-Mississippi forces. The use of a depot system means that uniformity of soldiers is impossible, since different depots have unique uniforms (eg, Columbus Depot Jackets, have breast pockets, while Richmond Depot Jacket does). This produces a variety of uniforms used by different Confederation units.

As the war progressed, the images began to shift from the appearance of "ragged rebels" to uniformed Army in both Eastern and Western theater. In the last 12 months of fighting, these Confederate troops are in good uniform, the best they have ever appeared in terms of consistency, wearing clothing made of imported blue-gray fabric, either locally produced or purchased ready-made under a contract from a British manufacturer, such as Peter Tait from Limerick, Ireland who became the main supplier of uniforms for the Confederation.

Unfortunately, in the Trans-Mississippi department, the problem with the uniform distribution that many made in Houston and Shreveport meant that the South West forces went without proper uniforms for some parts of the war.

Confederate headgear is a chasseur hat, or "kepi", a French military hat. Often wide hats or straw hats or even hunched caps are worn instead. Federal federal forage force is also popular. General Stonewall Jackson is famous for wearing a forage hat. Confederate Cavalry troops often wore Hardee hats, similar to the US Army Cavalry, which was representative of the additional "talent" associated with Cavalry troops. Two examples of CSA Cavalry officers who are famous for wearing this hat are Colonel John S. Mosby and General J.E.B. Stuart.


The use of wool in uniform means uniformly incompatible with the warm climate common in the South. This contributed to many Confederate soldiers who suffered heatstroke on long marches. However, one understanding of heavy woolen clothes is that after marching during the day, when the soldiers will rest at night and cool off, thermal shocks may leave some people unable to function the next day. Thus, woolen clothes will protect the soldiers from this, and keep them marching the next day to fulfill their duties. This is also the case with a better US Army. Many of the Confederate army started the war with a coat of coat. However, the scarcity of wartime fabrics and clothing is insured that, in 1863, the gray gray raincoat or the butternut jacket jacket was generally worn by Confederates at the East and West theaters. Examples of coat skirts worn by enlisted can be seen in photographs taken after the battle of Gettysburg, (1863), and Spotsylvania, (1864).

Gray is not selected for camouflage, but, at times, simply gives a mask along the tree line during battle; keeping the Infantry line hidden long enough to strike effectively. At the time of the American Civil War, the usability of camouflage was not generally recognized. Gray is chosen for the Confederate uniform because gray dye can be made relatively cheap and it is the standard uniform color of the various State Militia. The gray uniform worn by early state volunteers is usually a gray cadet, which is not suitable for combat suits, as it provides an easy individual position of its bright blue-gray tones, and for this reason it is preserved by several men for the function of the clothing parade. The mentioned grays are boring, often varying in color depending on the region and time during the conflict, resulting in a uniform that can blend into the tree lines, or hide the people in the field wearing them.

Generally, the Confederate soldier's uniform jacket is single breasted, made of gray or brown fabric, with six to nine buttons in front. This garment design features several variations: a body of four to six pieces, and one or two pieces of arm, usually with layers, often of cotton. The fabrics used in this jacket, ranging from the finer kers and wider fabrics used at the beginning of the war, to the cotton/wool mix of jeans, satinette, and cassimere, to name but a few. The exact color of the fabric also ranges from gray cadets to sunny cadets, similar to the fabric used by the Virginia Military Institute, or the US Military Academy's clothing uniform, to the sumac and logwood jute fabric, which will eventually fade into a ragged butternut appearance -camping. Epaulettes may have been used in the construction of a jacket, as is the case for Richmond's well-designed jacket suits, commonly called today, Richmond Depot types I, II, and III. The belt circles are also used intermittently, such as Richmond and Charleston clothing depots. Trimming on a jacket ranges from a pipette or stick collar, cuff, and front collar edge, to full facings on collars and cuffs, usually light blue, dark blue, red, or black. Due to the difficulty of obtaining yellow dye during the war, the yellow color was rarely used by the Cavalry Corps throughout the conflict.

Maps Uniforms of the Confederate States Armed Forces

Uniform Confederate Union Uniform


Symbol rating

Badge and collar button

On the full perpendicular collar, the lieutenant general, the great general, and the brigadier general, the three stars sewn in the bouquet, all embroidered with gold dye. The center star is slightly larger than the other stars. It is impossible to know the general rank of an officer is the emblem of his collar. However, the great general and the lieutenant general wore two rows of nine buttons in a group of three on the front of the mantle, and the brigadier general wore two rows of eight buttons in group two. However, the Confederate Army Regulations do not have the distinction between the value of general officers, and only the emblem for the accredited brigadier general. At least three general officers were not wearing the prescribed uniform: Robert E. Lee, dressed in a colonel's uniform, refused to wear a common badge until the Confederate victory; Joseph L. Hogg, who died of fever; and Benjamin McCulloch.

Field and company officers

Symbol rating

Collar badge

The Colonel wears three gold stars of the same size in their collars; just like a general, but without a wreath. While the lieutenant colonel wears two stars on their collars, the majors wear one star, which is placed in the middle of the collar. The captain has three gold horizontal bars, the first lieutenant wearing two bars, and the second lieutenant wearing one rod. However, the Confederation Congress often creates new commissions, and does not necessarily standardize the rank banner immediately.

Arm badge, service color branch

Confederate Army Officers show their military affiliations with different colored faces on their coats or jackets. Red for artillery, yellow for cavalry, light blue for infantry, and black for medical. A very distinctive feature of Confederate officers' uniforms is the golden knot of Austrian braids on their sleeves. The more elaborate Braiding indicates a higher rank and some knots almost reach the shoulders. However, a general order, issued in 1862, called for an Austrian knot to not be used in the field, as this made the officers conspicuous against enemy combatants.


Field Class Officers, and Grade Company officers typically use two lines of seven buttons with equal distance each, although the rules call for two top buttons to be placed on four separate inches, coming closer together at the waist at a distance of 3 inches.


Confederate pants are very similar to US troops. From the beginning, the pants were sky-blue. They are most often made of wool, and are easy to wear during long marches. If trousers do not come for troops, soldiers must use their own pants to wear. Regiment and corporate officers wear their individual branch colors on the outer layers of their pants on one and a quarter inch stripes. The generals used two and five-inch stripes on each leg of the pants. While the quartermasters, commissaries, and officers of officers wore a single outline-a single stitch of magenta, one and a quarter of an inch. Non-commissioned officers must wear their outer stitches one or a quarter inch of cotton line or braid of color to suit their army branch.


The pattern of "African" kepi is a standard issue that must be considered by all army personnel, with dark blue band, side & amp; Crown for generals, officer staff, and engineers. The dams worn by assigned officers and enlisted personnel have two patterns, defined by the rules in 1861 and 1862, respectively. The first pattern is the colored band, which shows the service branch, with the crown and sides made of Gray Cadet fabric. The second pattern has dark blue bands for all branches, with crowns and colored sides in accordance with the service branch. The service color branches are as follows, Red for artillery, yellow for cavalry, and light or blue sky for infantry.

Army enlisted

Symbol rating


In the Confederate Army, chevrons are worn by sergeants (three in each arm) and corporals (two in each arm)

Swords and sashes

When fully clothed and sometimes also in combat, all the above rank Corporations (ie all Sergeants) in the non-mounted service branch carry the M1840 NCO Sword (when available) suspend the leather belt (as did their counterparts in the US Army , except Hospital Officers carrying a special Sword Model). In addition all Sergeant CSA rankings were allowed to wear the worst waist belts: red for Artillery and Infantry (and all other Service branches), but yellow for Cavalry. (For their counterparts in the US Army crimson worsted waist sashes for all service branches are only allowed to NCO above Sergeant (ie First Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant Hospital, Sergeant Major, etc.))


Army trousers have the same pattern as US Army trousers, or civil design, depending on the area in which they are made. They are usually gray or brown in color, with a variety of medium blues are also produced. The individual can also prune it to reflect its militia unit, its status as a non-commissioned officer, or as a personal beacon, to service pants that are everywhere. Non-commissioners should wear on their outer layers a quarter inch of cotton line or a braid of colors suitable for their army branch.


There are many types of belts produced for the Confederate Military during the Civil War. There are dozens of types of buckles used and produced by or for Confederation. The buckles range from single plates with hooks, to two interlocking buckles, to simple roller buckles and countless other variations. Many buckles use slabs that include state seals or their home country motto. Most use simple roller plates shifted from the type found on the dog's regular collar. As the War progresses, more and more people use the US belt plate, often using it upside down.

Infantry uniform


The Confederate Infantry, the largest Army Corps, has a wide range of uniforms, and more record numbers. The early Confederate Confederate uniforms consist of a double-breasted, double-breasted tunic, trousers, and Jefferson boots/brogans. Kepi ​​is not specified until Rule 1862, as a blue-sky skirmish, which reflects the Infantry Corps, with dark blue ribbons, and protective skin. The tunic became a gray cadet, with two rows of yellow-metal buttons (brass or gold), a 'solid' cuff and a sky-blue collar surface, and lined with a lighter gray cloth. The coat is of the same pattern defined as the rules for field officers and companies, as well as for artillery and cavalry forces.

However, these uniform designs do not apply because the uniform complexity proves difficult to mass produce. The simpler uniforms are the rules dictated by Judah Benjamin. He declared that the uniform should be from: a gray jacket; blue, gray, or brown trousers; hats or headgear of any kind; and all sorts of footwear worn for Confederate services in mid-1861. His regulations, however, were rejected by the next rule of June 1861, declaring Franco-Austrian style uniforms to be issued and purchased to all corps and by all officers, respectively.

The guidelines set by Judah Benjamin in 1861 soon became the choice of clothing depots throughout the South as the war entered the second year. This more easily manufactured jacket, with loose hats and pants regulations, makes it easier for Confederate infantry warrior suits. Typical uniforms in late 1861 and early 1862 were hunched or hat caps, leather jackets, and a pair of sky-blue or gray trousers, with brogans.

Jacket and coat

The jacket that is prescribed for infantry use is the same design for all service men. The design itself depends entirely on the region, time, and source of fabric. The Eastern Theater's uniform jacket is the design of Richmond Depot, with three main types issued during the war. The jacket varied from a gray suit, a coated and trimmed jacket, looking like a prewar militia jacket, to a worn-out jeans jacket in six months. Materials and uniforms imported from the UK are also issued to troops through this facility. Western and Southern Facilities produce similar uniforms, into jeans, dyed with gray-based vegetables, which will fade into chocolate or chocolate. The typical jacket that is issued has 5-7 buttoned fronts, with collars and sleeves that vary from era, area and source, and sometimes outer pockets.

The previous style was the militia uniform. It consists of everything from a sharper jacket and coat, similar to the French or North Infantry uniforms, to the "armor-free" armor, intended for drilling and battle only. Uniforms for these militia units vary by individual companies through one area or parish, let alone the country itself. Militia uniforms are a collection of colors, from cadet gray, dark blue, and green hunters, to reds, fans and golden tones. Another variation of the Army's uniform jacket and coat of arms is Zouave. This jacket is meant to loose and reflect the French-African Zouave unit. There are several units consisting of these uniforms, including "Richmond Zouaves" from the 44th Virginia Infantry Regiment, "Louisiana Tigers" at Louisiana 1 Special Battalion, and "Coppen Zouaves" from Louisiana.


The buttons worn on the Infantry outfit are not as easy as they sound. The average infantry may have a uniform made for him in Richmond, Virginia, however, the man registered in Georgia, and now march through the previous state. In reflection to his loyalty to home, this man, for example, can decorate his uniform with the Georgia State key. This will show his fellow soldiers his loyalty to his country and his military unit. This is a common practice during the war for both sides in the conflict.

Regulatory infantry buttons for enlisted men describe the button to have a number on the front to reflect the unit designation; for example, a soldier at the First Confederate Infantry Regiment will have a "1" on his jacket button. These buttons are rare or absent. However, the officer rule button, which consists of "I block" button, for Infantry, A for Artillery, etc.; very common among the army, and substitutes attempts to produce different keys and are numbered for each regiment in service.

As before, uniform buttons can also reflect the loyalty of the state of an individual. All Confederate States make every effort to supply each of the States buttons to their troops. The states that do not join the Confederacy, but have people in their ranks, such as Maryland and Missouri, also make buttons, which appear on live uniforms.

The Confederation also applied the supply of ready-made buttons, which consisted of US Government reserves during the war. It consists of the button of the man's mantle, (an eagle with a US shield, with an olive branch and a claw-held arrow), and the officer's knob, (same as before, but the shield is replaced by an empty one). shield, with each letter for each service branch, I for infantry, A for artillery, C for cavalry, and D for dragoon).

Hats and caps

A typical Infantry Confederate headgear is a humpback hat, or Military kepi. Kepi ​​is a short fatigue and easy hat made for the Army during the war. However, this type of hat has its drawbacks. It provides little weather protection, and worn easily after several months of hard wearing. The Infantry's design hat was sky-blue with dark blue ribbons, but this was rarely seen outside the cap of private officers. More common is a plain gray/brown hat, with or without a service branch. There are several examples of hoods made in south-south that are trimmed with cotton and red wool, and are issued to Infantry units, indicating that whatever clothing is available to the troops during the war.

Humpbacks are the preferred choice of many soldiers, including officers. The hat is usually a slimy head cover, wide brim, wool, intended to protect individuals from the sun, and bad weather. That's usually a civilian hat, from brown wool, gray, or black. This simple hat is widely used throughout the Confederate Army, and even with US Army personnel. Sometimes, the hat is adorned with the user's preference badge, and may have been pinned for training with ordinary weapons at the time, rifle guns.

Cavalry uniform


The first uniform of the Cavalry was made by the cavalry itself. In 1862, the Confederate order ordered the uniform to be organized, gray to a cadet and coated with a thin layer around the sleeve. The legs of the pants are light blue with yellow strips rising from the bottom of the foot up. Non-commissioner officers from the cavalry wear ordinary clothing from home or different kinds of uniforms. yellow is the specified service color branch, but the uniform that survives shows without a doubt that most of the equestrian troop that uses every branch of service color, using the buff as a yellow cloth is virtually absent in Confederate.


According to the rules of June 1861, and then the rules of 1862 and 1863, enlisted men wearing raincoats with the same button pattern as the officers of the Company and Field Officers.


The hat that mimics the French Kepi is a head cover set for the three branches of the service ground, decorated with various branches of service colors, but the Confederation preferred humpbacks and surviving photographs showing that because many or more men wear some kind of humpback hat instead of wearing caps specified, especially during the War.

Troiani's book says, "Although in some units the cap appears to dominate, hat publishing has been widespread, for example, the demand for the 1963 Alabama Infantry during 1863 and early 1864 indicates the preference set for hats, while for the 17th Mississippi Infantry for the period records "One Confederate clothing facility in Charleston, South Carolina, is devoted entirely to the making of a hat. It is cut by government employees at the depot and sent to 1,000-1,500 local" people in need of class "to gather."

Artillery uniform


The first of the Artillery uniforms are customized handmade and personalized uniforms. In 1862, the Confederate uniform became organized. They become gray cadets and should be coated with a red coat around the sleeve. The legs of the pants are light blue. Even after the uniform is set, many artillery wear plain clothes due to heat and discomfort caused by regular uniforms.


In Confederate Artillery, a normal junior officer has two rows of seven buttons spaced the same, grouped into pairs, while senior officers can have eight buttons in two rows.


Kepi ​​is also a standard issue for the artillery, they are made red to match their other uniforms. During the summer months they are also allowed to wear a straw hat because of the heat.

The Armed Forces Of The Confederate Army In The Civil War The ...

United Nations Confederate Uniform


The first of the Navy's uniforms were made in dark blue, but with Southern style the rank of badges for the officers. The Confederate Regulation of 1862 ordered the uniform to be steel gray and covered with dark black silk. They are also made in medium gray and gray cadets. They are made of wool, and this uniform is not suitable for the heat of the deck below the ship. Unassigned officers wearing uniforms, or even plain clothes.

Shoulder straps

According to the dress code of the Confederate Navy, shoulder straps should be worn differently by each rank.

  • The admiral wore a blue-skirt shoulder strap, with a black eye, four inches long and one inch wide and three dark widths embroidered with a quarter inch gold in width. They have five stars of the same distance, two at the tip of six-tenths of an inch, and three middle stars six inches in diameter an inch.
  • The flag clerk was wearing a blue-sky, black-eyed shoulder strap, which was four inches in length, and an inch and three-quarter wide embroidered with quarter-inch wide gold. They have four stars of the same distance, two at the end of six-tenths of an inch, and two middle stars six inches in diameter an inch.
  • the captain wore the same shoulder straps with the flag clerk, but with three equally spaced stars, each six-tenths of an inch in diameter.
  • The commander also has the same shoulder strap, but only with two stars.
  • Lieutenant has the same shoulder strap, with a single star, middle,
  • The shoulder straps worn by the master have the same design, but without stars.
  • The mating escape wears a piece of gold lace four inches long and half an inch wide.
  • For a cadet, there is no shoulder strap to wear.


The Confederate Navy Hat is made of steel gray cloth. They should not be less than three inches and a half, or more than four inches high. They also should not be more than ten, or less than nine inches and half, at the top, and have patent leather patches, to be worn by all officers in their office attire.

  • For a flag officer, the hat has an anchor in the open flower arrangement of the oak leaf, with four stars above the anchor. They have to be embroidered with gold according to pattern.
  • For a captain, same as a flag officer, except that there are only three stars above the anchor, and the gold band is one and a half inches wide.
  • For a commander, it is the same as the captain, unless there are only two stars.
  • For a lieutenant, just like a captain, unless there is only one star.
  • For master, same as captain, except that there is no star.
  • For a passing midshipman, anchor without a flower arrangement.
  • For a cadet, no cap is applied.

5 Military Uniform Concepts by Mikenestin on DeviantArt

Uniform Confederate State Marine Corps

The uniforms used by the Confederate State Marines are similar to those set for the Confederate Army. However, there is controversy about some precise uniform details, because CSMC is not very large, and many of its records are destroyed. In 1865, just after the end of the war, Lloyd J. Beall, commander of CSMC, lit a fire at his home that destroyed most of the CSMC records. It is clear, however, that Marines are often equipped from stores where the closest garrison is their location. One description has Marines wearing a certain (and undetermined) color skirt coat of gray, and dark blue or black pants. It seems that the Marines of the Confederacy wore green hats even though it was not clear if there was an ornament on the cover. Most of the equipment worn by CSMC is imported from Russia, and from the United Kingdom and its kingdom, especially Canada. This creates an unusual look.

5 Military Uniform Concepts by Mikenestin on DeviantArt

See also

  • United States Confederate Military
  • United States Civil War
  • State Confederate Army
  • Navy of the State Confederation
  • The Confederate State Marines
  • Union Union Uniform

The Imported British Overcoat for the Confederate Army

Notes and references



  • Davis, George B., Perry, Leslie J., and Kirkley, Joseph W., Military Official Military Atlas , Random House Value Publishing, (1988) ISBN 0-517 -53407-X
  • Faust, Patricia L., Historical Times Encyclopedia Illustrations of Civil War , HarperPerennial, (1986) ISBN: 0-06-273116-5
  • Konstam, Angusand and Bryan, Tony Confederate Ironclad 1861-65 , Osprey Publishing, (2001) pg. 1873 ISBNÃ, 1-84176-307-1
  • Mansfield, Howard, "The Same Ax, Twice: Restoration and Renewal in a Throwaway Age", UPNE, (2001) ISBN: 1-58465-117-2
  • Miller, David (2001). Uniforms, Weapons, and Civil War Equipment . London: Salamander Books Ltd. ISBN: 1-84065-257-8.
  • Nofi, Albert A., "Marine Corps List Books: A Definitive Consensus on Marine Corps, Victory and Tradition Facts", Da Capo Press, (1997) ISBN: 0-938289-89-6
  • Shaw, Anthony "Civil War Catalog", Running Press, (2003) ISBNÃ, 0-7624-1625-4
  • Smith, Carl, Adam Hook, "Chancellorsville 1863: Jackson's Lightning Strike", Osprey Publishing, (1998) ISBN: 1-85532-721-X
  • Troiani, Don, Coates, Earl J., McAfee, Michael J., Jensen, Leslie D., "Don Troiani Regiment and Civil War Uniforms", Stackpole Books, (2002) ISBN 0-8117-0520- X
  • Van Doren Stern, Philip, "Confederate Navy: Picture History", Da Capo Press, (1992) p. 181 ISBN: 0-306-80488-3

The Mad Monarchist: February 2015

External links

  • Photographs of uniformed Confederate soldiers in the Library of Congress
  • Uniforms and Gowns of the Confederate Navy
  • Confederate Marine Corps Ranking
  • Confederations and Country Rules
  • Uniforms and Gowns of Confederate State Army (1861), Office of Adjutant and Inspector General, Richmond, 12 September 1861, Samuel Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General
  • Regulations for the Confederate State Army, 1864. War Dept., James Alexander Seddon, Secretary of War

Source of the article : Wikipedia
