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Sam Walker Puts Samuel Colt Back in Business - YouTube

Samuel Colt ( ; July 19, 1814 - January 10, 1862) was an American inventor, industrialist, entrepreneur, and hunter. He founded the Colt Patent Fire Company (now Colt Manufacturing Company) and made a mass production revolver commercially.

Two of Colt's first business ventures produced firearms in Paterson, New Jersey and made an underwater mine; both ended in disappointment. But his business grew rapidly after 1847, when the Texas Rangers ordered 1,000 revolvers during the American war with Mexico. During the American Civil War, its factory in Hartford supplied firearms to the North and South. Then, his weapons stand out during the settlement of the western border. Colt died in 1862 as one of the richest men in America.

The Colt manufacturing method was at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution. The use of its replaceable parts helps it become one of the first to use assembly lines efficiently. In addition, its innovative use of art, celebrity endorsements, and corporate gifts to promote its goods make it a pioneer in advertising, product placement, and mass marketing.

Video Samuel Colt

Awal tahun (1814-1835)

Samuel Colt was born in Hartford, Connecticut, son of Sarah (Caldwell) and Christopher Colt (1777-1850), a farmer who moved his family to the city after he became a businessman. Her maternal grandfather, Maj. John Caldwell, was an officer in the Continental Army; one of Colt's earliest was John's flintlock gun. Colt's mother died of tuberculosis when Colt was six, and his father remarried two years later, to Olivia Sargeant. Colt has three sisters, one of whom died during his childhood. The eldest sister, Margaret, died of tuberculosis at the age of 19, and the other, Sarah Ann, then committed suicide. One brother, James, became a lawyer; the other, Christopher, is a textile merchant. The third brother, John C. Colt, a man of many jobs, was convicted of murder in 1841 and committed suicide the day he was about to be executed.

At the age of 11, Colt was assigned to a farmer in Glastonbury, where he performed his duties and attended school. Here he is introduced to Compendium of Knowledge, a scientific encyclopedia that he prefers to read rather than his Bible lesson. His articles on Robert Fulton and gunpowder motivated Colt throughout his life. He found that the other inventors at Compendium had completed things that were once thought impossible, and he wanted to do the same. Then, after hearing the soldiers talk about the success of double barrel rifles and the impossibility of weapons that could shoot five or six times without reloading, Colt decided that he would create "impossible weapons".

In 1829, at the age of 15, Colt began working at his father's textile factory in Ware, Massachusetts, where he had access to the equipment, materials, and expertise of factory workers. Following the encyclopedia, Samuel built a homemade galvanic cell and advertised as the Fourth of July event of the year that he would blow up a raft in Ware Pond using an underwater explosive; although the raft was gone, the explosion was still impressive. Sent to boarding school, he entertained his classmates with fireworks. In 1830, a July 4 accident caused a fire that ended his schooling, and his father sent him off to study the maritime trade. On the way to Calcutta over Corvo brig, he noticed that regardless of which way the ship's wheels are spinning, each spoke always comes directly with an adjustable clutch to hold it. He then says that this gives him an idea for the gun. At Corvo , Colt made wooden models of pepperbox revolvers from used wood. This is different from other pepperbox revolvers at the time because it would allow the shooter to rotate the cylinder by the act of tilting the hammer with a cylinder-mounted pawl attached which is then firmly locked parallel to one barrel with a bolt, a major improvement over the pepperbox design that requires turning the barrel by hand and look forward to proper indexing and alignment.

When Colt returned to the United States in 1832, he returned to work for his father, who financed the production of two rifles, rifles, and pistols. The first gun finished exploding when fired, but the rifle performed well. His father would not finance further development, so Samuel needed to find a way to pay for the development of his ideas. He had learned about nitrous oxide from a plant chemist at his father's textile factory, so he took a portable lab on the road and made a living doing laughing gas demonstrations throughout the United States and Canada, collecting himself as "Celebrated Dr. Coult from New-York, London and Calcutta ". Colt considers himself a scientist and thinks if he can enlighten people about new ideas like nitrous oxide, he can in turn make it easier for people to accept his new idea of ​​a gun. He started his lecture on the street corners and immediately walked to the lecture hall and the museum. When ticket sales declined, Colt realized that "serious" museum lectures were not what people wanted to pay money to see and that was the dramatic story of salvation and redemption coveted by the public. While visiting his brother, John, in Cincinnati, he partnered with sculptor Hiram Powers for a demonstration with a theme based on The Divine Comedy. Powers made a statue and a detailed candle painting by Dante's demon, centaur and mummy. Colt made fireworks to complete the show, which was a success. According to the historian of Colt, Robert Lawrence Wilson, "these lectures launched the famous Colt career as a Madison Avenue-pitcher". Public speaking skills are so valuable that he is considered a doctor and forced to serve to cure a clear cholera epidemic on a river boat by giving his patients a dose of nitrous oxide.

After a certain amount of money is saved and, still wanting to be an inventor compared to a "pharmacist", Colt makes arrangements to start building weapons using proper firearms from Baltimore, Maryland. He abandoned the idea of ​​a double-barreled revolver and chose a single fixed-barrel design with a rotating cylinder. The hammer action will align the cylinder hole with a single barrel. He sought the advice of a friend of his father, Henry Leavitt Ellsworth, who lent him $ 300 and advised him to perfect his prototype before applying for a patent. Colt hired a gun expert by the name of John Pearson to build his revolver. Over the next few years, Colt and Pearson fought for money, but the design improved and in 1835 Colt was ready to apply for his US patent. Ellsworth is now the superintendent of the US Patent Office and advised Colt to file a foreign patent first because previous US patents would prevent Colt from filing a patent in the United Kingdom. In August 1835, Colt went to England and France to secure his foreign patent.

Maps Samuel Colt

Colt initial revolver (1835-43)

In 1835, Samuel Colt traveled to England, following in the footsteps of Elisha Collier, a Bostonian who had patented a flintlock that spun over there that achieved great popularity. Despite the reluctance of British officials to issue patents to the Colt, no errors could be found with a pistol and he issued his first patent (Number 6909). Upon his return to America, he applied for his US patent for a "revolving gun"; he was granted a patent on February 25, 1836 (then numbered 9430X). This instrument and patent No. 1304, dated August 29, 1836, protects the basic principle of the breech spinner loading, folding trigger weapon named Colt Paterson.

With a loan from his cousin, Dudley Selden, and a letter of recommendation from Ellsworth, Colt formed a venture capitalist company in April 1836 to bring his idea to market. Through the political connections of the venture capitalist, Patent Arms Manufacturing of Paterson, New Jersey, was hired by the New Jersey legislature on March 5, 1836. Colt was given a commission for every weapon sold in exchange for his patent dam, and assigned a refund if the company disbanded.

Colt never claimed to have found a revolver; the design is a more practical adaptation of Collier's previous rotary flintlock equipped with a locking bolt to keep the cylinder aligned with the barrel. The discovery of the percussion cap makes ignition more reliable, faster, and safer than the older flintlock design. Colt's great contribution is the use of interchangeable parts. Knowing that some parts of the rifle were made by the machine, he imagined that all parts of each Colt pistol could be exchanged and made by machines, then assembled by hand. The goal is the assembly line. This is shown in the 1836 letter that Colt wrote to his father where he said,

The first worker will receive the most important two or three parts and will attach to it and forward it to the next one that will add parts and forward the developing article to another that will do the same, and so on until the complete arm is united.

Colt's revolutionary patent gave him a monopoly over making revolvers until 1857. The first practical revolver and the first practical firearms, thanks to the advances made in percussion technology. No longer a new weapon, the revolver became an industrial and cultural heritage and contributed to the development of war technology, ironically personified in the name of one of its later innovations, the "Peacemaker".

Being Samuel Colt | American Genius - YouTube

Initial problems and failures

Although by the end of 1837, the Weapon Company had made more than 1,000 weapons, no sales. After Panic of 1837, the underwriters were reluctant to fund the new machine that Colt needed to make parts that could be exchanged, so he went out on the road to raise money. Demonstrating his guns to people in public stores did not generate the volume of sales he needed, so with another loan from his cousin Selden he went to Washington, D.C., and demonstrated it to President Andrew Jackson. Jackson approves the gun and writes Colt a note that says so. The President's approval at hand, Colt pushed the bill through Congress in favor of demonstrations for the military, but failed to obtain appropriation for the purchase of military weapons. Promising orders from the state of South Carolina for fifty to seventy-five pistols were canceled when the company did not produce them fast enough.

The constant problem for Colt is the provision of the 1808 Militia Act which states that any weapon purchased by the State militia must be within the current service in the United States Military. This law prevents the state militia from allocating funds for the purchase of experimental weapons or foreign weapons.

Colt is gnawing at his own company with his reckless spending. Selden persistently punished him for using corporate funds to buy expensive clothing or to give luxury gifts to potential clients. Selden twice deducts Colt from company money for spending it on booze and fancy dinner; Colt thinks getting potential customers who get drunk will generate more sales.

The company was rescued by a war against Seminoles in Florida that provided the first sale of the Colt revolver and its new revolver rifle. The soldiers in Florida praised the new weapon, but the unusual hammer design, sixty years ahead of its time, made it difficult to train people who were accustomed to open hammer weapons. As a result, many curious soldiers took separate keys. This results in damage to parts, screw heads being stripped, and weapons that can not be operated on. Colt immediately reworked his design to let the hammer shoot open, but the problem continued. At the end of 1843, after the loss of payments for the Florida pistol, the Paterson factory was closed and a public auction was held in New York City to sell the company's most liquid assets.

SamuelColt on

Mine and lead papers

Colt did not refrain from manufacturing, and switched to sales of underwater and waterproof cable detonators from his own invention. Immediately after the failure of the Patent Weapons Manufacturing Company, he collaborated with Samuel Morse to lobby the US government for funds. The Colt waterproof cable, made of tarred copper, proved invaluable when Morse run telegraph channels under lakes, rivers, bays, and in his attempt to lay the telegraph line beneath the Atlantic Ocean. Morse used batteries from one of Colt's mines to send telegraph messages from Manhattan to Governors Island when the batteries themselves were too weak to send signals.

As tensions with Great Britain prompted Congress to fund suitable for the Colt project towards the end of 1841, it showed its underwater mines to the US government. In 1842 he used one of the devices to destroy a moving ship for the satisfaction of the United States Navy and President John Tyler. However, the opposition from John Quincy Adams, who served as US Representative from the Massachusetts 8th congressional district, stopped the project as "an unjust and fair war" and called the Colt mine a "non-Christian tool".

After this setback, Colt turned his attention to refining the tinfoil cartridges originally designed for use in his revolvers. The standard at the time was to have powders and balls contained in paper or leather envelopes or "cartridges" for ease of loading. However, if the paper gets wet it will damage the powder. Colt tried alternative materials such as rubber cement, but chose a thin paper type. In 1841 he made samples of these bullets for the army. During the foil cartridge test, 25 rounds were fired from the rifle without cleaning. When the breech stoppers have been removed from the barrel there is no fouling of the tinfoil visible. The reception was lukewarm and the soldiers bought several thousand rounds for further testing. In 1843, the army returned to the Colt with an order of 200,000 paper cartridges containing 10 boxes for use in muskets.

With money made from Colt's bullet back to Morse and the cord for an idea other than blowing up a mine. Colt concentrates on making his waterproof telegraph cable, believing that business will evolve along with Morse's invention. He started promoting the telegraph company so he could create a wider market for the cord, which he had to pay $ 50 per mile. Colt tried to use this revenue to revive the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company, but can not obtain funds from other investors or even his own family. This time left to improve the design Colt revolver before and had a prototype built by a thief in New York for "revolver New and improved" it. This new pistol has a stationary trigger and is in a larger caliber. Colt submitted a single prototype to the War Department as a "Holster revolver".

Patents Colt Manufacturing Company (1847-1860)

Captain Samuel Walker of the Texas Rangers has acquired some of the first Colt revolvers produced during the Seminole War and saw their first effective use of hand as his 15-man unit defeated a power greater than 70 Comanche in Texas. Walker wanted to order a Colt revolver for use by Rangers in the Mexican-American War, and went to New York City to search for the Colt. He met Colt at a gun shop on January 4, 1847, and ordered 1,000 revolvers. Walker asks for some changes; the new revolver must hold 6 shots, instead of 5, have enough power to kill a man or a horse with one shot and faster to return. Large orders allow Colt to set up a new firearm business. Colt hired Eli Whitney Blake, who was founded in the arms business, to make his weapon. Colt uses prototype and Walker improvements as the basis for the new design. From this new design, Blake produces the first one-thousandth sequence known as the Colt Walker. The company then receives orders for a thousand more; Colt took part of a $ 10 profit per pistol for both orders.

With the money he earned from Walker's sales and loans from his cousin, the banker Elisha Colt, Colt bought machines and equipment from Blake to build his own factory: Colt Patent Arms Factory in Hartford. The first revolving-breech pistol made at the factory was called "Whitneyville-Hartford-Dragoons" and became so popular that the word "Colt" is often used as a generic term for revolvers. Whitneyville-Hartford Dragoon, largely constructed from the rest of the Walker section, is known as the first model in the transition from the Walker to the Dragoon series. Beginning in 1848, more contracts were followed for what is now known as Colt Dragoon Revolvers. These models are based on the Walker Colt, and in three generations small changes in each model indicate the rapid evolution of the design. This fixes 7 1 / 2 -inch (190 mm) for accuracy, shorter space and loading lever improved. The shorter chamber is loaded onto 50 grains of powder instead of the previous 60 items in Walker, to prevent the occurrence of a broken cylinder. Finally, a positive catch is placed at the end of the loading lever to prevent the lever from falling below the recoil.

In addition to being used in war with Mexico, the Colt revolver was used as a pistol by civilians and soldiers. Colt Revolver is a key tool in westward expansion. A revolver that can shoot six times without reloading helps the army and settlers fend off a larger army that is not armed in the same way. In 1848, Colt introduced a smaller version of his pistol known as Baby Dragoons made for civilian use. In 1850 General Sam Houston and General Thomas Jefferson Rusk lobbied the War Secretary William Marcy and President James K. Polk to adopt the Colt revolver for the US military. Rusk testified: "Colt's Repeating Arms is the most efficient weapon in the world and the only weapon that allows the frontiersman to defeat the Indians fitted in his distinctive war mode." Lieutenant Bedley McDonald, who served under Walker when Walker was killed in Mexico, stated that 30 Rangers used the Colt revolver to keep 500 Mexicans in check. Colt follows this design with the Colt 1851 Navy Revolver which is bigger than the Baby Dragoon, but not big enough like the full-sized version. The gun became a standard weapon for US military officers and proved popular among civilian buyers. After testimony by Houston and Rusk, the next issue became how quickly Colt could supply the military. Once opportunistically, when the War with Mexico ended, Colt sent agents south of the border to get sales from the Mexican government.

Patent extensions

During this period, Colt received an extension of his patent because he did not collect it in the early years. In 1852, gun makers James Warner and Massachusetts Arms infringed the patent. Colt sued the company and the court ordered Warner and Massachusetts Arms to stop production of the revolver. Colt then threatened to sue Allen & amp; Thurber over the cylinder design of their pepperbox double-action revolver. However, Colt's lawyers doubt that this lawsuit will succeed and the case is settled with a $ 15,000 settlement. Allen's production of pepperboxes continued until the end of Colt's patent in 1857. In 1854 Colt fought for an extension of his patent with the US Congress, which launched a special committee to investigate allegations that Colt had bribed government officials in securing this extension. In August he was released and the story became national news when Scientific American reported that the error was not with Colt, but with Washington politicians. With a virtual monopoly, Colt sells his pistol in Europe, where demand is high due to strained international relations. By telling every nation that others bought Colt pistols, Colt was able to get large orders from many countries who were afraid of being left behind in the arms race.

The key ingredient to Colt's success is the strong protection of his patents. Although he legitimately holds the only patent on the revolver, a number of imitators copy his work and Colt finds himself constantly in litigation. In each of these cases, Colt's lawyer, Edward N. Dickerson, deftly exploited the patent system and succeeded in shutting down Colt's competitors. However, Colt's patent protection against its patents severely hampered the overall development of firearms in the United States. His preoccupation with patent infringement clothing slowed his company's switch to the cartridge system and prevented other companies from pursuing the revolver design. At the same time, Colt's policy forces some inventors to compete for greater innovation by denying them key features of the mechanism; as a result they create their own.

Colt knew he had to make his revolver affordable, because the death of many major inventions was a high retail price. Colt sets the price at the level below its competition to maximize sales volume. From his experience in bargaining with government officials, he knows what figures he should generate to earn enough profit to invest money in improving his machine, thus limiting his imitative ability to produce weapons comparable to lower prices. Despite his success in this regard, for the most part, his preoccupation with marketing strategy and patent protection caused him to miss a great opportunity in firearm development when he rejected an idea from one of the gun experts, Rollin White. White has the idea of ​​a "bored-through" cylinder revolver to allow the use of metal cartridges in a gun. After Colt fired White for suggesting improvements to his revolver, White took his idea for Colt, Smith & amp; Wesson, who patented his invention and kept Colt from making cartridges for nearly 20 years.

Colt arsenal


Colt bought a large patch of land beside the Connecticut River, where he built his first factory in 1848, a larger factory called Colt Armory in 1855, a castle he called Armsmear in 1856, and an employee housing tenement. He set up ten hours a day for employees, installed a factory wash station, gave a one-hour break, and built Charter Oak Hall, where employees can enjoy games, newspapers, and discussion rooms. Colt runs his factory with a military-like discipline, he will fire workers for delays, substandard work or even suggest improvements to his design.

Colt employs Elisha K. Root as his principal mechanic in preparing a factory engine. Root has succeeded in previous attempts of automating the production of axes and making, buying, or repairing jigs, gear and profile machines for Colt. Over the years he developed a special machine to change or cut a rifle in the gun barrel. Historian Barbara Tucker calls Root "the first to build a special purpose machine and apply it to the manufacture of commercial products". Colt historian Herbert G. Houze, writes, "if it were not for the inventive genius of Root, Colt's dream of mass production would never come true".

Thus, the Colt plant was the first to use a concept known as an assembly line. The idea was not new but never succeeded in the industry at the time because of the lack of interchangeable parts. The Root engine converts it to Colt, since the machines finish as much as 80% of the work and less than 20% of the required parts of hand-mounting and archiving. Revolver Colt was made with the engine, but he insisted on finishing and polishing his hand revolver to give a handmade impression. Colt switched to the Bavarian arms builder and developed commercial use for the Ormanby Waterman Grammagraph to produce "die-rolled" engraving on steel, especially on cylinders. He employs a Bavarian engraver, Gustave Young, for fine hand carving on his "custom" pieces. In an effort to attract skilled European-immigrant workers to his factory, Colt built a village near a factory far from the tenements he named Coltsville and imitated houses after a village in Potsdam. In an effort to stem the flood from the river he planted a German osier, a kind of willow tree, on a 2-mile dyke. He then built a factory to produce rattan furniture made from these trees.

On June 5, 1856, Colt married Elizabeth Jarvis, daughter of Pdt. William Jarvis, who lives downstream from Hartford. The wedding was luxurious and featured ceremonies on the steamers overlooking the factory as well as fireworks and gun salutes. The couple had four children: two daughters and a son who died in infancy and a son born in 1858: Caldwell Hart Colt.


Soon after setting up his factory in Hartford, Colt set out to establish a factory in Europe and chose London. He organized his large display of firearms at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in Hyde Park, London and took heart by displaying Colt revolvers carved into the right officials like the General Master of the Ordnance of England. At one exhibition, the Colt released ten weapons and reassembled ten weapons using different parts of different weapons. As a leading proponent of mass production techniques, Colt went on to lecture on issues to the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in London. Membership rewards his efforts by giving him the Telford Silver Medal. With the help of ICE secretary Charles Manby, Colt established his operations in London near the Vauxhall Bridge on the River Thames and began production on January 1, 1853. On the tour of the factory, Charles Dickens was so impressed with the facilities he recorded as he wished. comments from the Colt revolution in the 1852 edition of Household Words . The factory machines mass-produce parts that are completely interchangeable and can be incorporated on the assembly line using standard patterns and gauges by unskilled labor compared to the major British arms makers who make each piece by hand. The Colt factory in London has remained in operation for only four years. Not wanting to change the single open-action design for the solid-frame double action revolver that Britain requested; Colt hardly sold 23,000 revolvers to the British and Navy Army. In 1856 he closed the London factory and had unfinished machines, tools and weapons shipped to Hartford.


When the head of a foreign country would not give him an audience, since he was only a citizen, he persuaded the governor of the State of Connecticut to make him a lieutenant colonel and a camp aide in the state militia. With this rank, he toured Europe again to promote his revolver. He used innovative marketing techniques at the time. He often gives an engraved version of his revolver to heads of state, army officers, and figures such as Giuseppe Garibaldi, King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, and Hungarian freedom fighter Lajos Kossuth. Colt commissioned western artist George Catlin to produce a series of paintings depicting exotic scenes in which the Colt weapons were used prominently against Indians, wild animals, or bandits in the earliest "product placement" form. He puts a lot of ads in the same newspaper; The Knickerbocker ran as many as eight in the same edition. Lastly, he hired writers to write stories about his weapons for magazines and travel guides. One of the greatest actions of Colt's self-promotion was a payment to US magazine publisher of $ 1,120 ($ 61,439 with standard 1999) to run 29 pages that fully depict the story that shows the inside workings of his factory.

Once his revolver was received, Colt searched for unwanted news that contained the mention of weapons he could pick and reprint. He went so far as to hire agents in other states and territories to find such samples, to buy hundreds of copies for himself and to give the editor a free revolver to write it, especially if such stories underestimated his competitors. Many of the revolvers Colt gave as "gifts" have inscriptions such as "Colt Colt Praise" or "From the Inventor" engraved on the back rope. The next version contains all of his signatures used in many of his ads as centers, using his celebrity to ensure his weapons performance. Colt finally gets a trademark for his signature.

The year later and death

As the American Civil War approached, Colt supplied both North and South with firearms. He is known to sell weapons to conflicting parties on both sides of other conflicts in Europe and does not see any difference with respect to the war in America. In 1859 Colt was considered building an arsenal in the South and by the end of 1861 had sold 2,000 revolvers to the Confederate agent John Forsyth. Although trade with the South has not been restricted at that time, newspapers such as the New York Times Tribune, New York Times and Hartford Daily Courant mark it as " sympathizers and Southern traitors to the Union. In response to these allegations, Colt was assigned as a colonel by the state of Connecticut on May 16, 1861, in the First Regiment Colts Revolving Rifles of Connecticut armed with revolving Colt rifles. Colt envisioned this unit as staffed by men over six feet and armed with weapons. However, the unit never took the pitch and Colt was dumped on 20 June 1861.

Samuel Colt died of gout in Hartford on January 10, 1862, and was buried at the Cedar Hill Cemetery. At the time of his death, Colt's estate, which he handed over to his three-year-old wife, Caldwell Hart Colt, was estimated to be worth about $ 15 million ($ 350 million in 2009). His professional responsibility was handed over to his brother-in-law, Richard Jarvis. The only other person mentioned in Colt's will is Samuel Caldwell Colt, his nephew, John.

Colt historian William Edwards writes that Samuel Colt married Caroline Henshaw (who later married her brother John) in Scotland in 1838, and that the son she conceived then was Samuel Colt and not her brother, John. In a 1953 biography on Samuel Colt based largely on family letters, Edwards writes that the marriage of John Colt with Caroline in 1841 was a way of legitimizing his unborn son as his real father, Samuel Colt, feeling he was not fit to be the wife of an industrialist and divorce was a social stigma at the time. After John's death, Samuel Colt took care of the boy, named Samuel Caldwell Colt, financially with a large allowance and paid his school fees in what he described as "the best private school." In correspondence with and about namesake, Samuel Colt refers to him as his "niece" in quotes. Historians like Edwards and Harold Schechter say this is the way the older Colt let the world know that the boy was his own son without directly saying so. After Colt's death in 1862, he left the boy $ 2 million in 2010. Colt's widow, Elizabeth Jarvis Colt, and his brother, Richard Jarvis are fighting over this. In the testament, the son of Caroline, Sam, produced a valid marriage certificate indicating that Caroline and Samuel Colt were married in Scotland in 1838 and that this document made him a legitimate heir to part of the Colt estate, if not to the Colt Manufacturing Company.


It is estimated that in the first 25 years of its manufacture, the Colt Company produced over 400,000 revolvers. Prior to his death, every barrel was branded: "Colonel Samuel Colt Address, New York, US America", or variations using the London address. Colt does this because New York and London are big cosmopolitan cities and he maintains an office in New York on 155 Broadway where he bases his salesmen.

Colt was the first American manufacturer to use the arts as a marketing tool when he hired Catlin to prominently show Colt firearms in his paintings. He was awarded many government contracts after making his revolutionary gift that was adorned and engraved with exotic grips like ivory or pearl for government officials. On the way to Constantinople, he gave a special and golden carved ornamental revolver to the Ottoman Empire Sultan AbdÃÆ'¼lmecid I, who told him that the Russians bought his gun, securing Turkish orders for 5,000 pistols; he forgot to inform the Sultan that he had used the same tactics as Russia to issue orders.

In addition to gifts and bribes, Colt uses an effective marketing program consisting of sales promotion, publicity, product sampling, and public relations. He uses the press for his own benefit by giving revolvers to editors, encouraging them to report "all accidents occurring on other Sharps & humbug arms", and a list of incidents in which Colt weapons have been "used well against bears, Indians, Mexicans , etc. "Colt's arms are not always good in standard military tests; he prefers the written testimony of individual soldiers who use his weapons and this is what he most relies on to secure government contracts.

Colt felt that bad press was as important as good press; provided that his name and revolver are accepted. When he opened the London arsenal, he put a 14-foot mark on the roof across from Parliament by reading "Colonel Colt Pistol Factory" as a publicity stunt that created a stir in the British press. Eventually the British government forced him to remove this mark. Colt historian Herbert Houze writes that Colt championed the concept of modernism before the word was coined; he spearheaded the use of celebrity endorsements to promote his products; he introduced the new and improved adjectives for advertising and demonstrated the commercial value of brand recognition names as the word for "revolvers" in French is Le Colt . Barbara M. Tucker, professor of history and director of the Connecticut Study Center at Eastern Connecticut State University, writes that Colt's marketing techniques of changing firearms from utilitarian objects become a central symbol of American identity. Tucker adds that Colt ties his revolver with American patriotism, freedom, and individualism while asserting the supremacy of American technology over Europe.

In 1867, his widow, Elizabeth, had an Episcopal church designed by Edward Tuckerman Potter built as a memorial to Samuel Colt and three lost children. Church architecture contains weapons and cannon tools carved into marble to commemorate Colt's life as a weapon maker. In 1896, a parish house was built on the site as a memorial to their son, Caldwell who died in 1894. In 1975, the Church of the Shepherd House and the Good Parish were listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Colt is preparing libraries and educational programs at the arsenal for its employees, a seminal training site for several generations of engineers and other engineers, who have had a major impact in other manufacturing efforts over the next half century. Prominent examples include Francis A. Pratt, Amos Whitney, Henry Leland, Edward Bullard, Worcester R. Warner, Charles Brinckerhoff Richards, William Mason, and Ambrose Swasey.

Pada tahun 2006, Samuel Colt dilantik menjadi National Inventors Hall of Fame.

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Bacaan lebih lanjut

  • Bern, Keating (1978). The Flamboyan Mr. Colt dan Dealy Six-Shooter-nya . Garden City, New York: Doubleday. ISBN: 978-0-385-12371-6. Â
  • Edmund, Pearson (1930). Inisiasi Iblis . New York: Charles Scribners 'Sons.
  • Grant, Ellsworth S. (1982). The Colt Legacy . Providence, Rhode Island: Mowbray Company. ISBN 978-0-917218-17-0.

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
