Senin, 16 Juli 2018

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6a Epicurus on happiness and death - YouTube

The philosophy of happiness is a philosophical concern with existence, nature, and the attainment of happiness. Philosophically, happiness can be understood as the moral purpose of life or as an accidental aspect; indeed, in most European languages ​​the term happiness is synonymous with luck. Thus, philosophers usually describe happiness as a state of mind, or a life that works well for the person who leads it.

Video Philosophy of happiness

Yunani Kuno


Plato (c. 428 - c. 347 BC), using Socrates (470 - 399 BC) as the main character in his philosophical dialogue, outlines the requirements for happiness in The Republic.

At The Republic , Plato insists that those who are moral are the only ones who may be truly happy. Thus, one must understand the cardinal's kindness, especially justice. Through the thought experiments of the Ring of Gyges, Plato came to the conclusion that the man who abused power enslaved himself to his appetite, while the one who chose to remain uncontrolled himself rationally, and therefore happy.

He also sees the kind of happiness that comes from social justice through the fulfillment of one's social function; because this task forms happiness, other commonly seen sources of pleasure - such as pleasure, riches, and pleasures - are considered inferior, if not completely wrong, forms of happiness.


Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) states that eudaimonia (Greek: ??????????) is the purpose of human thought and action. Eudaimonia is usually translated as happiness, but "human development" may be more accurate translation. Eudaimonia involves activity, showing virtue ( arete , Greek: ?????) in accordance with virtue.

In Nicomachean's Ethics, Aristotle points to the fact that many goals are really just intermediate goals, and are only desirable because they make the achievement of a higher goal possible. Therefore, things like wealth, intelligence, and courage are valued only in relation to other things, while eudaimonia is the only valuable thing in isolation.

Aristotle considers that virtue is necessary for a person to feel happy and hold that without virtue, most of what might be achieved is satisfaction. Aristotle has been criticized for failing to show that virtue is necessary in the way he claims it, and he does not discuss this moral skepticism.


Antisthenes (c) 445 - c 365 BC), often regarded as the founder of Cynicism, advocated a living ascetic life according to virtue. Xenophon testified that Antisthenes praised the excitement that arose "from one's soul," and Diogenes Laertius recounts that Antisthenes likes to say: "I prefer to be crazy rather than to feel pleasure." He maintained that the virtue was enough to ensure happiness, requiring only the power of a Socrates.

He, along with all of Sinis's followers, rejected the conventional idea of ​​happiness involving money, power and fame, to live a life of total virtue, and therefore happy. Thus, happiness can be obtained through rigorous training (askesis, Greece: ???????) and by living in a natural way for humanity, rejecting all conventional wishes, preferring a simple life free of all possessions.

Diogenes of Sinope (c 412 - c 323 BC) is most often seen as the perfect embodiment of philosophy. The Stoics themselves see it as one of the few, if not only, who have attained the status of rishis.


Stoicism is a school of philosophy founded by Zeno from Citium (about 334 - c. 262 BC). While Zeno syncretized in his mind, his main influence was Sinis, with the Crates of Thebes (c. 365 - c. 285 BCE) as his mentor.

Stoic believes that "virtue is enough for happiness". A person who has attained this sense of virtue will be a wise person. In the words of Epictetus, this wise person will be "sick and happy, in danger and happy, dying and happy, in isolation and happy, in disgrace and happy,"

The Stoics therefore spend their time trying to achieve virtue. This will only be accomplished if one dedicates their lives to the logic of Stoic, Stoic physics, and Stoic ethics.


The Cyrenaics is a school of philosophy founded by Aristippus of Cyrene (c) 435 - c 356 BC). The school insists that the only good is positive pleasure, and pain is the only crime. They assume that all feelings are transient so that all past and future pleasures have no real existence for an individual, and that among the present pleasures there is no difference of kind. Claudius Aelianus, in his book , writes of Aristippus:

"He recommends that one be concrete on this day, and indeed at the part where one acts and thinks, for the moment, he says, it really belongs to us, and not what has passed or what we anticipate: to the lost and finished with, and not sure if the other will come into "

Some immediate pleasure can create more than the equivalent of pain. The wise must control pleasure rather than enslaved by them, otherwise the pain will occur, and this requires judgment to evaluate the different pleasures of life.


Epicureanism was founded by Epicurus (about 341 - about 270 BC). The goal of his philosophy is to achieve a calm state ( ataraxia , Greece: ????????) and freedom from fear, and the absence of physical pain ( aponia , Greece: ??????). To achieve this goal, Epicurus recommends the ascetic lifestyle, noble friendship, and political avoidance.

One help to achieve happiness is tetrapharmakos or fourfold medication:

"Do not be afraid of god, Do not worry about death; What a good one is easy to get, and
What is horrible is easy to endure. " ( Philodemus, Herculaneum Papyrus, 1005, 4.9-14 ).

Maps Philosophy of happiness

Ancient Rome

School of the Sextii

The School of the Sextii was founded by Quintus Sextius the Elder (Fl 50 BCE). It is characterized primarily as a philosophical school of medicine, combining elements of Pythagoras, Platonic, Sinik, and Stoik together. They argue that to achieve happiness, one must become a vegetarian, undergo a conscientious examination every night, and avoid consumerism and politics, and believe that an elusive incorporeal force encompasses the body.

Augustine of Hippo

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430 AD) was an early Christian theologian and philosopher whose writings influenced the development of Western Christianity and Western philosophy.

For St. Augustine, all human actions revolve around love, and the main problem facing man is the mistake of love. Only in God can one find happiness, for He is the source of happiness. Because man is born of God, but from that moment falls, one's soul vaguely recalls the happiness of when one is with God. So, if one directs himself to the love of God, all other love will be well ordered. In this way, Saint Augustine follows the Neoplatonic tradition in claiming that happiness lies in the purely understandable contemplation of nature.

St. Augustine deals with the concept of happiness happily in his treatise De beata vita and Contra Academicos .


Boethius (c 480-524 AD) was a philosopher, most famous for writing The Consolation of Philosophy. This work is described as having the single most important influence on Medieval Christianity and the beginning of the Renaissance and as the last great work of the Classical Age. This book describes many themes, but among them he discusses how happiness can be achieved despite changing fate, while considering the nature of happiness and God.

He argues that happiness is achieved by attaining perfect goodness, and that perfect goodness is God. He then concludes that when God rules the universe through Love, prayer to God and the application of Love will lead to true happiness.

Cicero on Why Virtue Is Sufficient For Happiness (Stoic Paradoxes ...



Avicenna (c. 980-1037), also known as 'Ibn-Sina', is a polymath and jurist; he is regarded as one of the most important thinkers in the Islamic Golden Age. According to him, happiness is the purpose of man, and that true happiness is pure and free from worldly interest. Finally, happiness is achieved through the relationship of human intelligence with separate active intelligence.


Al-Ghazali (c. 1058-1111) is a Muslim theologian, jurist, philosopher, and mystic descendant of Persia. Produced by the end of his life, al-Ghazali wrote The Alchemy of Happiness ( Kimiya-yi Sa '? Dat , (Persian: Maimonides

Maimonides (c.1135-1204) was a Jewish philosopher and astronomer, one of the most prolific and influential clerics and doctors of the Torah. He wrote that happiness is basically and essentially intellectual.

Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274 AD) was a philosopher and theologian, who became Doctor of the Church in 1323. His system aligned Aristotelianism and Catholic theology in his book Summa Theologica. The first part of the second part is divided into 114 articles, the first five agreements explicitly with human happiness. He states that happiness is achieved by cultivating some intellectual and moral virtues, which enable us to understand the nature of happiness and motivate us to seek it in a reliable and consistent way. However, one can not find the greatest happiness in this life, because the ultimate happiness consists of supernatural union with God. Thus, human happiness does not consist of wealth, status, pleasure, or goodness that is created at all. Most things do not have the necessary relationships with happiness, because the ultimate goal of human will, can only be found in God, which is the source of all good things.

The Philosophy of Stoicism | Seneca on True Happiness - YouTube

Early Modern

Michel de Montaigne

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) was a French philosopher. Influenced by Aristotelianism and Christianity, in addition to the beliefs of separation of public and private space, Montaigne writes that happiness is a state of subjective mind and that satisfaction differs from person to person. He goes on to recognize that one must allow the sphere of personal life to realize certain happiness efforts without the intervention of society.

Jeremy Bentham

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) is an English philosopher, lawyer, and social reformer. He is considered the founder of modern utilitarianism.

The brand of utilitarianism in particular shows that the most moral act is that causes the highest amount of utility, in which utility is defined as a shared pleasure after alleviated the suffering of all involved in any action. Therefore, happiness is a pleasure experience and a lack of pain. Action that does not encourage the greatest happiness is morally wrong - like ascetic sacrifice. This mode of thinking allows the possibility of a calculator to measure happiness and moral value.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) was a German philosopher. His philosophy states that egoistic actions are actions that are guided by self-interest, a desire for pleasure or happiness, where only compassion can be a moral act.

Schopenhauer describes happiness in terms of satisfying expectations, which in turn create new desires. And the absence of satisfaction is suffering, which produces an empty longing. It also connects happiness with time movements, because we feel happy when time moves faster and feels sad when time slows down.

7 Ways to Use Stoic Philosophy to Improve Your Health and ...


W? adys? aw Tatarkiewicz

W? Adys? Aw Tatarkiewicz (1886-1980) was a Polish philosopher, philosophical historian, art historian, aesthetist, and ethicist.

For Tatarkiewicz, happiness is a fundamental ethical category.

Herbert Marcuse

Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) was a German-American philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory.

In his 1937 essay 'Cultural Affirmative Character,' he advocated a culture of developing tension within the structure of society, and in that tension it can challenge the present social order. If separated from the everyday world, the demand for happiness will cease to be external, and begin to become the object of spiritual contemplation.

In the One Dimensional Man, his criticism of consumerism suggests that the current system is a system that claims to be democratic, but authoritarian, since only a few individuals dictate the perception of freedom by only allowing certain happiness options available for purchase. He further points out that the conception that 'happiness can be bought' is one that is psychologically destructive.

Viktor Frankl

Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) was an Austrian neuroscientist, psychiatrist, Holocaust victim and founder of logotherapy. His philosophy revolves around emphasizing the meaning, value of suffering, and responsibility for something greater than oneself; only if one finds those questions, one can be happy.

Robert Nozick

Robert Nozick (1938-2002) is an American philosopher.

In his 1974 book, Anarchy, State, Utopia , he proposed a thought experiment in which a person was given the option of entering the machine which would provide the maximum amount of endless hedonistic pleasures for the whole of a person's life.


Scientism is the approach that empirical science is the most valuable branch of learning and culture.

Happiness economics

Economic happiness is a quantitative and theoretical study of happiness, positive and negative influences, welfare, quality of life, life satisfaction and related concepts, usually combining economics with other fields such as psychology and sociology. Tracking Gross National Happiness or life satisfaction grew increasingly popular because the economic happiness challenged traditional economic goals.

Richard Layard is very influential in this field. He has shown that mental illness is a major cause of unhappiness.

Sonja Lyubomirsky

Sonja Lyubomirsky asserted in his 2007 book, The How of Happiness, that happiness is 50 percent genetically determined (based on twin studies), 10 percent of financial circumstances, and 40 percent subject to self-control. Lyubomirsky suggested a twelve-point program to maximize the last 40 percent.

Little Histories on Twitter:

See also

Philosophy of Happiness - ppt download


Buddha, Budhha Quotes, Buddha Wisdom, Buddhist, Buddhist Wisdom ...

Further reading

  • The Dalai Lama, co-authored with Howard C. Cutler, The Art of Happiness , 2003.
  • Jonathan Haidt, Hypothesis of Happiness: Finding the Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom , 2006.

Derren Brown -- Philosophy and Happiness - YouTube

External Links

  • Happiness, BBC Radio 4 discussion with Angie Hobbs, Simon Blackburn and Anthony Grayling ( In Our Time , 24 January 2002)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
