My Immortal is a fiction of Harry Potter fans published serially in FanFiction.Net between 2006 and 2007. Known for its unintelligible narratives and aberrations constant, the centerpiece of a 17-year-old female vampire, a non-canonical character, and his relationship to the Harry Potter series, especially his romantic relationship with Draco Malfoy. In the end, he is driven by a vision to go back in time to try to defeat the main antagonist of the series, Lord Voldemort.
Since the beginning of the publication of the work, it has gained blasphemy for its poor writing, inconsistency, and neglect of the Harry Potter source material. Often regarded as one of the worst fan fictions written, My Immortal is perceived as a disadvantage for those who try to bring legitimacy to fan fiction. Nevertheless, this series also inspires some derivative works, including the YouTube web series, and is seen with nostalgia for the lives of teenage fans.
The identity of the author has never been confirmed and considered by many to be "unsolved". The author publishes a story with the username "XXXbloodyrists666XXX" and identifies himself as Tara Gilesbie. In September 2017, someone claiming to be the author updated the FictionPress account stating that he has created an active Tumblr account with his real name; attempts to locate this Tumblr account resulted in a young adult novelist's account, Rose Christo. He has stated that he is one of two co-authors of My Immortal, and has provided proof of authorship to Macmillan Publishers, but controversy over the same month for factual errors in his upcoming memoirs. has caused doubts about his authorship.
This story has been speculated to be a hoax designed for troll readers or to tease fan fiction, but the work and alleged online presence of the author has also been described as too complicated and too time-consuming to falsify effectively. In September 2017, Christo stated that My Immortal is a satire, though this evidence is related to his own authorship claim.
Video My Immortal (fan fiction)
Background and publication
This work was published to FanFiction.Net between early 2006 and 2007, eventually totaling 44 chapters and nearly 22,700 words. Chapter forty-four was accompanied by a writer's note explaining that the author abandoned "dubya [ sic ]", generally believed to be Dubai, and this chapter will be the last until the author returns. However, no further chapters are published. It was removed by the site administrator in 2008, several months after its last chapter was published. However, it persisted in copied-and-pasted versions on the Internet. This work seems to take the name of the song "My Immortal" by Evanescence.
Maps My Immortal (fan fiction)
Style and genre
My Immortal is divided into 44 short chapters. The author's notes, indicated by "AN", precede and spread throughout the narrative prose. These notes are written in very phonetic spelling and mark the author as "arrogant". As the work progressed, the author's notes grew increasingly "defensive, impenetrable, and inclined to mention suicide attempts" and defended poor spelling and deviations from the canonization of negative reviewers.
Abraham Riesman of described the prose as having "an awkward rhythm, strange aberration, and a touching purple prose" and notes that the work "tortures" regular fan-fiction readers because "all the hate hoaxes" are used in opening sections only. Adi Robertson of The Verge observed that the quality of prose declined after the twelfth chapter, when the editor of the work fell into the hands of the author and became temporarily uninvolved from the work; even after the editors and writers came to terms, Robertson felt that prose "never recovered". Gavia Baker-Whitelaw of The Daily Dot noted this work "showcases all the benefits of a terrifying fanfic: hundreds of grammatical and spelling errors, an unreasonable plot, and the obvious protagonist of Mary Sue is a glorified from the author "and shows many descriptions of the prototype's Hot Topic outfit.
The work is marked by misspellings that pervade both the work itself and the author's note, to the point that the names of the protagonist and canonical characters of Harry Potter are frequent and many misspelled.
This work has also been noted to fail to comply with the Harry Potter canon . It features "very OOC [out-of-character] Harry Potter Ã, universe" where "without a point doing any of the characters Harry Potter acting even a bit like their own". References to "obvious Harry Potter bands" such as My Chemical Romance have also been recorded.
Chapters 39 and 40, according to the author's note, written by a hacker, and writing in the second chapter is "a much more controlled prose that reads like a lampoon of the previous 38".
My Immortal was published under the username "XXXbloodyrists666XXX", and the authors identified themselves as Tara Gilesbie. The author's notes in the story identify a friend dubbed Raven, operating under the user name "bloodytearz666", as the editor and the beta reader of the work. Then the author notes claiming that someone hacked into the Gilesbie account and wrote chapters 39 and 40.
The true identity of the author is the subject of widespread speculation, and since the publication of the last chapter, various individuals have claimed to have written works in jokes or as hoaxes. Due to its "systematic" quality, this work is often believed to be a satire or a fan fiction parody.
At the same time, "very complicated" job details, including a series of related online accounts outside and lengthy writing efforts, lead to a "consensus" among users of the Encyclopedia Dramatica - a well-known website for online trolling and dedicated to cataloging the "internet culture" - that it would be too difficult to fabricate and that Gilesbie wrote sincerely, a sentiment that seems to be shared by other online communities that scoff at authors. Brad Kim, editor of Know Your Meme, supports this work as an original, citing his experiences with writing workshops at LiveJournal and Xanga where he found similar works, because "these are things that high school teenagers will formulate in the beginning 2000s ". Writing for, Abraham Riesman writes that "[t] he mystery about the authorship of 'My Immortal' - even in this age that avoids this privacy - seems unbreakable."
Rose Christo, the author of a young adult novel, began writing memoirs about her experience as an Native American child in a New York foster care system entitled Under the Same Stars: Searching for the Brother and the True Story of My Immortal The memoir details the time period where he allegedly co-wrote My Immortal . Macmillan publisher allegedly hired a lawyer to verify Christo's claim for three days; he claimed to have provided evidence through the email address he created account and flash drive contains the first eleven chapters edited My Immortal .
In March 2017, Christo quietly stated in his Tumblr account that he co-wrote My Immortal ; However, the post received little notice. In early August 2017, Christo posted an update to a previously unknown FictionPress account that seemed to be related to Tara Gilesbie who both received little attention.
Then in August, an independently published book Handbook for Mortals became public attention after it was discovered that its sales artificially increased to push it to the top of the young adult New York Times List of Best Sellers , which is then deleted. Writing the similarities between the novel and My Immortal has led to speculation that the author's Mortal's Handbook is the author of My Immortal . Christo again updated his FictionPress account to say he did not. He also posted on FictionPress to declare that his only social media account is on Tumblr, which operates under his real name. Editorial assistant at Publisher Macmillan also stated that Sarem is not a writer of My Immortal and stated that MacMillan will publish author memoirs.
These statements trigger a search for a claimed Tumblr account, which was found as Christo in early September. On September 5, Christo stated in his Tumblr account that he co-wrote My Immortal and that he has given evidence to his publisher, Publisher Macmillan, which was later reported by BuzzFeed, and on 7 September Buzzfeed published it the first official statement as the author of the alleged My Immortal. He said of his decision to announce himself as a writer: "I will never get ahead about MyÃ, Immortal if it were not for the fact that it coincides with the things that happened to me as a teenager. "
Later that month, a forum post on Kiwi Farms, a forum famous for doing doxing, by brother Christo (the subject of his memoir), verified by forum operators, disproves some of Christo's claims in his forthcoming memoirs, including their ancestors and shared the small. The memoir was later canceled by MacMillan after an investigation found a factual error in his narration; Christo stated that these mistakes were deliberately created in an attempt to protect his family identity. Brother Christo also said that he does not know if Christo wrote My Immortal and he enjoys making fun of poorly written fan fiction. Christo confirmed through Tumblr in October that his real name is Theresa Rose Christodoulopoulos, affirming his brother's identity, acknowledging his many revelations about him, but also disagreeing with some of his claims and reaffirming his claim that he was one of the authors of My Immortal < >. She closed Tumblr's account a few days later. Vox describes Christo's authorship claim as one of the more likely claims he made, though it is still in doubt.
Plot summary
The protagonist of the story is Ebony (sometimes Enoby, Eboby, Evony, Ebory, Enobby, Enopby, Egogy, Tara, or TaEbory) Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, a seventeen year old vampire who attends Hogwarts (located in England As a replacement). from the original 'Scottish' books) as a member of Slytherin House. Hogwarts is described as being divided between two gangs, Goth and preparations. Ebony and all sympathetic characters are part of the gothic clicks while members of the click preparation are depicted without sympathy. Many of Harry Potter's main characters were given a "goffic" makeover [ sic ], moved to Slytherin House, and renamed it.
The story begins by focusing on Ebony's relationship with his girlfriend Draco Malfoy, who is described as shy, sensitive and bisexual. Ebony and Draco had sex in the Forbidden Forest, but witnessed by the headmistress Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore (often referred to as "Dumblydore" by his first name is Albert), who shouted at them and scoffed at them as "motherfukers" [ sic ]. When the observers complained that this was very unusual for Dumbledore, his version of the canon was almost always calm, calm and polite, the author confirmed this by explaining that Dumbledore had headaches at the time. Later, after learning that Draco used to date a vampire known as Harry's "Vampire" Potter, Ebony became so angry that he ran into tears to the Forbidden Forest, where he met Lord Voldemort. Voldemort demands that he kill the "Vampire" Potter or he will kill Draco, but Ebony refuses. Later, Draco learned of this encounter and he was so angry that Ebony detained him from him that he committed suicide by cutting his wrist.
In the next scene, however, the Vampire has Draco's vision held back by Voldemort. The difference between this and Draco's previous depictions of having committed suicide is not explained. After rescuing Draco from Voldemort, Ebony and his friends attended the My Chemical Romance concert at Hogsmeade. The concert was hit by Voldemort and his Death Eaters, but Ebony and Draco were rescued by Albus Dumbledore, who had just made gothic changes. The next day, Dumbledore gives a gothic makeover to Hogwarts Great Hall as well, but Ebony feels that he is a jerk and does not like it, sentiments shared by his friends.
During this time, Lucius Malfoy and Sirius Black were mysteriously shot by "black men". There is also a secondary plot point where Professor Trelawney/Professor Sinistra (combined into one character for an unknown reason, and often referred to as "Professor Sinister") has a Veritaserum addiction to a truth serum, which is never spelled correctly in the story.. The third plot point sees Professor McGonagall (often referred to as "McGoogle" or "McGoggles") and Severus Snape (often called "Snap", or "Snope" sometimes) trying to rape or injure the protagonist. Yet another plot point follows Remus Lupine and Snape being bisexual spying on Ebony, at one point resulting shortly after Draco's "death" in which they sit on their brooms with "Loopin mastic [sic] "To shower Ebony. In addition, Hagrid can not be explained as a teenage student of Hogwarts who likes Ebony, and Severus Snape is described as two separate characters called Severus and Snape.
Ebony begins to have a mysterious vision, which he says shows that he must go back in time to stop Tom Riddle from becoming Voldemort by seducing him, and to take the antidote for Sinister/Sinistra/Trelawney. Arriving in the past, he meets the young Riddle, who calls himself "Satan", and who has been mistakenly referred to as "Tom Anderson", "Tom Bombadil", and "Stan". "Satan" is in the band with James Potter, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, and Lucius Malfoy. He is vaguely described attending Hogwarts at the same time as Robbers in what was indirectly described as the 1980s. The author shows some anachronisms in this scene, telling the reader to ignore it. There is also a cameo that can not be explained by gothic Marty McFly, with DeLorean time machine that can be converted into iPod.
Finally, Ebony brings "Satan" forward in time, where he transforms into Voldemort this time. This leads to a confrontation between good and evil forces in the Great Hall. The story ends ambiguously with Ebony firing on the curse of Avada Kedavra, which is misunderstood as "abra kedabra".
Prior to the removal of FanFiction.Net, My Immortal was expected to be between 8,000 to 10,000 reviews per chapter posted, mostly negative and flaming. The writer's quality and lifestyle that Goth seems to also attract attacks and ridicule from users in the Encyclopedia of Dramatica, TV Tropes, LiveJournal, Something Awful, YTMND, and YouTube.
Rob Bricken of io9 describes the work as "a masterpiece of oddity" and a "masterpiece of literary disaster". Mathilda Gregory from BuzzFeed calls My Immortal a "comic genius" that is "oddly touching."
This work is often cited as the worst fan fiction ever written or at least a "strong competitor" for the title. This work is considered "iconic" not only in Harry Potter's fandom but also in the larger fan fiction community.
The blasphemy of this work is considered a "constant millstone around the neck of fanfic fans who are struggling to bring legitimacy to the genre". Christo claimed in September 2017 that My Immortal is a satire, though all of this evidence is related to his own authorship claim.
Derivative works
Despite its ugliness, Immortal I inspired further fan work, including fan art and further fan fiction. It is the subject of many dramatic YouTube readings that intend to ridicule the work, and then inspire a series of fifteen episodes of web that satirize the work.
See also
- Argon's eyes , a 1970 novel published with a similar reputation
Source of the article : Wikipedia