In the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who , regeneration is the biological ability exhibited by Time Lords, a fictional human race originating from the planet Gallifrey. This process allows a Lord of Time to undergo transformation into a new physical form and a somewhat different personality after an event that would normally lead to death. Regeneration has been used twelve times throughout franchise history as a tool to introduce new actors to the main role of its main character, Doctor. Other Time Rulers and similar characters have also been regenerated, usually for narrative reasons, not casting.
The current incarnation Doctors are played by Jodie Whittaker, following the Regeneration of the Twelve Doctors (played by Peter Capaldi) during the Christmas of 2017 specifically "Twice Upon a Time".
Video Regeneration (Doctor Who)
Conceptual history
The concept of regeneration was created in 1966 by the writers of Doctor Who as a method of replacing the main actors. The Doctor's role has been played by William Hartnell since the program started in 1963 but, in 1966, it became increasingly clear that Hartnell's health deteriorated and he became more difficult to work with. Producer John Wiles has, after several clashes with Hartnell, intended to have the actor replaced at The Celestial Toymaker ; during the two episodes of the series, Doctor is invisible (because Hartnell is on vacation during recording). Wiles's plan is to have the character re-emerge played by a new actor. This proposal was vetoed by Gerald Savory, BBC Serial Chief (and Wiles' superiors), who caused Wiles to leave before The Celestial Toymaker was produced. However, it seems clear that Hartnell could not have gone any further.
On July 29, 1966, production ended in the last episode of The Smugglers, the last series recorded in the third production block. During production, Hartnell and producer Innes Lloyd have reached an agreement that he must leave the role, after starring in yet another series that will see the handover to the new actor, who will be the first to be produced as part of Season 4. Gerry Davis script editor proposes that , because the Doctor has been designated an alien, that character can die and return in a new body. Lloyd takes this further by suggesting that Doctors can do this "renewal" regularly, turning from older men to younger ones; it will be possible to re-stretch the required role when necessary. The process itself is modeled on the LSD journey, with experiences like "hell and horror hor" taking the drug.
At the end of the Tenth Planet , the First Doctor collapsed from old age and fatigue, after commenting earlier that his body "wore a bit thin". Then, in front of the eyes of his friends Ben and Polly, and the viewing audience, his face turned into a characteristic of the Second Doctor, played by Patrick Troughton. In The Power of the Daleks , the first story of the Second Doctor, the Doctor draws an analogy between an update and a caterpillar transformed into a butterfly.
Developing the concept
At first it was not clear whether the renewal was a doctor's natural ability as opposed to a process initiated by technology. In The Power of Daleks , the Second Doctor describes his update as a function of his TARDIS time machine, stating that "without it, [he] can not survive."
When Troughton left the series in 1969, the Doctor was renewed again, but this time the change was forced upon him by Time Lord at the end of the War Games, where he was referred to as a "change of appearance". As with the first change, this language only suggests shallow physical changes, not personalities, although Jon Pertwee's portrayal of the Third Doctor also differs substantially from Troughton. Unlike previous changes, this one is treated as a punishment rather than a natural process: in The War Games The Doctor protests, "You can not change my appearance without consulting me!"
As the series continues, more aspects of the regenerative process are introduced, but the basic concept of regeneration received by current series enthusiasts is only well established in the final scene of Planet of the Spider (1974). ) , when Pertwee's Third Doctor changed to Doctor Fourth Tom Baker. In this scene, the change is called "regeneration" for the first time, and is described as a biological process that occurs when the body of God's time is dying. It is also stated that after regeneration the brain cells of the Doctor will be shaken and his behavior will be "erratic" for a while, something that will prove to most of the subsequent regeneration.
In the reference series About Time Lawrence Miles and Tat Wood note that the official licensed magazine, Doctor Who Monthly , stated in the "Data-Bank Matrix" column in 1982 that the reader should not confusing the subsequent "incarnation" of regeneration with Hartnell's "rejuvenation" to Troughton. However, the dialogue in the series itself explicitly entails "First-to-Second" rejuvenation when it mentions the regeneration of Doctors (eg in Mawdryn Undead (1983)).
"Effect" regeneration was achieved during the original series' from 1963-1989 primarily through the use of video mixing. Initially, his plan was to make Hartnell collapse at the end of the Tenth Planet with his robe over his face, which would then be pulled back to reveal Troughton in the next series. However, Shirley Coward's vision mixer discovered and took advantage of the malfunctions at the mixing table that allowed Hartnell's image to be exposed to a point almost out of the screen, then faded back to reveal Troughton's face. It also means that the regeneration scene can happen with both actors at the end of the Tenth Planet , and Troughton also signs up to participate.
Further regeneration is maintained essentially the same method, with or without additional video or makeup effects. Transition from Fourth to Fifth Doctor uses an additional makeup effect that represents a transitional form known as the Watcher, but apart from this, the other regeneration in the original series runs quite a mix of actor images that go above the exit one. The transition from Seventh to the Eighth Doctor in the 1996 television film took advantage of the higher budget and modern computer animation technology to "transform" Sylvester McCoy's features into Paul McGann's.
With the exception of the Second to Third transition, each regeneration is displayed on the screen, with the previous position holder in the role symbolically "handing" the character to the next character. The Second Doctor never looks really turns into Third, just fades into darkness at the end of the War Games and then stumbles out of TARDIS, already regenerated, at the beginning of Spearhead from Space (1970).
The Regeneration of the Sixth Doctors is the only time that one actor takes the role of two incarnations of the Doctor. Colin Baker declined an invitation to film the regeneration sequence at the beginning of Time and Rani (1987) because of the circumstances in which the BBC fired him from the role. As a result, Sylvester McCoy had to wear his predecessor's costume and curly blonde hair wig, lying face down, with the effect of mixing the "new" features of the Doctor that occurred when he was handed over.
The 2005 series, which revived the program after the cancellation of 16 years earlier, begins with Nine Doctors who have been regenerated and no explanation is given about the circumstances behind the change (although the scene in the episode of "Rose" debuts when the Doctor comments on Appearance in the mirror shows that the change it just happened). In the Doctor Who Confidential documentary series, producer Russell T Davies explains the reason that, after a long absence, regeneration in the first episode is not only confusing to new audiences but also less in dramatic impact. , because there will be no emotional investment in the character being replaced. Regeneration to the Ninth Doctor is then visible and described in "The Day of the Doctor" (2013). In this episode, War Doctor automatically initiates regeneration due to old age at the end of the Last Great Time War. However, the full transition is not visible only with the beginning of regeneration shown.
Ninth Doctor Regeneration to the Tenth at the end of "The Parting of the Ways" (2005) used the computer effect to turn Christopher Eccleston into David Tennant. In the episode of Doctor Who Confidential which accompanies the episode "Utopia" (2007), where the same effect is used for Master regeneration, it is stated that the production team decided that this would be a common effect for all regeneration of God's Time in front, rather than any regeneration that is uniquely designed as per the wishes of each director. This transition style is seen again in "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End" (2008) both when the Doctor experiences a failed regeneration, and when his hands grow the clone in the second part; at End of Time (2010) where Matt Smith assumed the role of the Eleventh Doctor; in "The Impossible Astronaut" when the Doctor was shot twice and apparently killed; on "Day of the Moon" when a young girl regenerates; and in "Let's Kill Hitler" when Mels (Nina Toussaint-White) was shot and regenerated into River Song (Alex Kingston). "The Night of the Doctor" and "The Day of the Doctor" then use the effect to show the regeneration of the Eight Doctors and Doctors of War respectively. The Eighth Regeneration of Doctors into the War Doctor uses a stable light beam compared to the flame effect used for the regeneration of other revived series. In the 10th episode of The Lie of the Land series, the Twelfth Doc falsified regeneration as part of a plan to test whether Bill still has free will. The effects used are consistent with those used in the modern series, with the Doctor's hands shining and emitting regenerating energy before he enters full regeneration. However, since the regeneration is not real, it does not use regeneration and Doctors do not change the body.
Regeneration from Elevenh to Twelfth Doctor is slightly different from the other regeneration of the revived series. During "The Time of the Doctor", the Eleventh Physician revealed that he had used all his regeneration and was in fact the twelfth and last body, leading to his age appearance during the episode event. In conclusion, The Time Lords gave him a new regeneration cycle, and he began the 13th regeneration in an explosive manner that has become a tradition (very explosive to destroying Dalek forces including ships and Christmas villages in the process). However, since this regeneration was the first in a new cycle, it initially just "rearranged" its current body back to its youthful appearance (Doctors refer to this as a "breaking cycle"), and the eventual transition to the Twelfth Doc took place with a flash and a sudden actor slid back, stood back to reveal the new Doctor.
In 2017 Special Christmas Twice Upon a Time, the Twelfth Doctor completes his regeneration into Thirteenth Doctor (played by jodie actress Jodie Whittaker). The effects used were more similar to the regeneration of the Tenth to Eleventh Doctors, with the release of explosive energy released from the Doctor, and the flow of regenerating energy emitted from the hands and head before his face turned into Whittaker.
Maps Regeneration (Doctor Who)
Characteristics in series
Relationship with TARDIS
It is mentioned that TARDIS aids the Doctor during the regenerative process, as suggested by the Second Doctor's statement to this effect immediately after the regeneration of the First. This was reaffirmed by Jack Harkness's insistence that Doctor was taken to TARDIS after being shot by Dalek in "The Stolen Earth". Of the six occasions where the Doctor has regenerated beyond TARDIS: one is forced by Lord Left (Second to Third Doctor, The War Games ); someone needs Lord Time to give the Doctor cells a "small boost" to start the process (Third to Fourth, Planet of the Spider ); one result in itself depends on the "Zero Space" of TARDIS, a sealed space of all outside forces, to help him recover (Fourth to Fifth, Castrovalva ); one occurred several hours after he was completely "dead" (Seventh to Eighth, the 1996 television film; his delay, however, proved to be caused by anesthesia, rather than the distance of the Doctor of TARDIS); someone induced by the Sisterhood of Karn after reviving the Doctor from the real death (Doctor Eighth, "The Night of the Doctor"). The Seventh to Eight Regeneration remains the only thing that goes far beyond TARDIS, with no clear interaction from other Time Lords and the results of Doctor who suffered almost complete amnesia for almost a day until an event in TARDIS triggered her memory. restore. The Eleventh Doctor of the future is killed in mid-regeneration, indicating he is vulnerable to death during regeneration and therefore his need for TARDIS may be for security rather than assistance. But then it was revealed that this regeneration was indeed a simulation because the Doctor who was actually shot was a Teselecta robot. The Eleventh Doctor begins his regeneration outside TARDIS even though he ends up in it. In the case of the Twelfth Doctor, he briefly started his regeneration after being electrocuted by Mondasian Cyberman from TARDIS, but restrained him. When the actual regeneration begins, he appears from TARDIS as he struggles to hold it. When the Twelfth Doc finally regenerates, it is in TARDIS. When the Doctor reflects on his regeneration, TARDIS appears to make his opinion on a problem known to reflect lights in the Doctor, generating a response from him.
Energy release and strength increase
The exact mechanism that makes regeneration may not be stated in the television series, but it is generally assumed in spinoff media that the ability to regenerate may be related to what is known as "Rassilon Imprimatur", the symbiotic core of a Time Lord that binds it to TARDIS, to withstand molecular pressures from time travel ( The Two Doctors , 1985).
In "The Christmas Invasion" (2005) it is stated that the regenerative cycle produces a large amount of energy that includes the body of Lord Lord, and also shows that residual effects of regeneration allow it to regrow hands in the first 15 hours. after the start of regeneration. Thus, in "Let's Kill Hitler", River Song was able to repel the bullets after regeneration. He can then send a wave of energy immediately after his regeneration, although this particular accomplishment may be one of the abilities acquired during the first 15 hours after regeneration.
In the four final series of the revived series, "Journey's End", an injured Tenth Doc managed to prevent full regeneration by channeling "excessive regenerative energy" into his disconnected hands, enabling him to heal without changing shapes. The extremities eventually evolved into a half-human clone when Donna Noble touched her; event, "God" Meta-Crisis "two-way", also gives the mind of Donna a Time Lord.
Increased strength is sometimes a by-product of regeneration. Shortly after the regeneration of the three, Doctor Fourth karate-chopped the bricks into two in the episode one Robot, but could not repeat the later action in the same series. In the moments after his regeneration to his eighth incarnation, the Doctor has sufficient physical strength to solidify the steel door completely from its hinges. In "Twice Upon a Time", the First Doctor dying of old age has made him "weak as a kitten", but the coming regeneration temporarily gives him new strength and vitality (as described to him by the Twelfth Doc).
In the End of Time when the Tenth Doctor regenerated to the Eleventh Doctor, the discharge of energy damaged TARDIS as far as the component fell, the door window destroyed and TARDIS then flew out of control on Earth before the crash in Amy Pond's garden. Then, when the eleventh Doctor began his regeneration to the Twelfth Doctor at "The Time of the Doctor", he was able to control his regenerative energy and send a burst of energy that obliterated the nearest Daleks and all Dalek dishes. The release of energy also causes shockwaves that greatly damage the city where regeneration takes place.
Regeneration of Twelfth Doctor into Thirteen is also quite explosive; while the flow of regenerating energy emitted from the Doctor caused some minor damage to the console room, fully revealed when it started to explode as soon as the Doctor tried to operate it, and he eventually fell out of TARDIS.
Personality change
With regeneration also comes a change of personality. The audience sees this most often and most dramatically in the various habits and personality traits of the various incarnations of Doctors. The main traits of heroic heresy and intolerance are still preserved, but at the end of the day the Ten Physicians regret that the death of the present incarnation, with its own personality and attributes, makes something remotely similar to the actual death. His last words before regenerating were "I do not want to go."
Not long after the regeneration process, Doctors sometimes pass periods of physical and psychological instability. The Fourth Doctor describes it as "a new body like a new home - takes a little time to settle in". The Second Doctor experienced a crippling pain after his first regeneration (within Dalx Power ), while the Third Doctor collapsed outside TARDIS after its regeneration (on the Spearhead of the Outer Space ). The Fourth Physician started rambling a random phrase and had a higher power than usual so he could cut the bricks in half with only his hands (on Robot ). The Fifth Doctor (in Castrovalva ) began to return to his previous personality, and the Sixth Doctor suffered extreme paranoia, flying into a murderous anger and nearly killing his partner ( The Twin Dilemma , 1984). The Eighth Doctor suffered amnesia as a result of post-regeneration trauma (television film of 1996); Uniquely, the Doctor "did not live" at the time of this regeneration. Regeneration from the Ninth to the Ten Physicians see Doctors experiencing abrupt seizures and extreme pain ("Kids in Need"), and then become unconscious for most of the next fifteen hours ("The Christmas Invasion"). Regeneration from the Tenth to the Eleventh Doctors cause Doctors to experience cravings of strange foods, only to be disgusted by them on actually trying them ("The Eleventh Hour"). The twelfth doctor forgot how to fly TARDIS (as well as the name TARDIS) right after the regeneration process at The Time of the Doctor. The Brain of Morbius implies that Time Lords other than Doctors may experience difficult regeneration, since Sisterhood of Karn has supplied them with a "living herb" that can help the process. In "The Night of the Doctor", Sisterhood tells the Eighth Doctor they can give you a potion to induce non-random regeneration, allowing the Doctor to determine either physical type or personality.
The Master showed a dramatic personality change after regenerating into Madam/Missy. In that form, he wants nothing more than renewing his bond with the Doctor, even calling him his "girlfriend" at one point. ("Deep Breath, Death in Heaven") When he meets her again, Missy pretends to be an android and kisses her eagerly. ("Dark Water") Though still a maniac and a psychopath, he then showed a willingness to reform, spending centuries in physician custody as a show of his commitment. Then, he feels divided between the Doctor, who represents his conversion, and his past incarnation, which represents his return to the old way; he finally chose Doctor, whose incarnation of his past killed him in disgust. In turn, although Missy reveals the love for who she is in her past incarnation, she imposes her own regeneration into him to ensure she will become the person who is now her ("The Doctor Falls").
Level of physical changes
The Doctor always regenerates into a humanoid form. However, when describing the regeneration process to Rose at the end of "The Parting of the Ways", the Ninth Doctor showed that his new form could have "two heads", or even "no heads", and in 2005 the Children in Special Needs occurs immediately after the episode, the newly regenerated Tenth Doc, while examining his new body, makes a check point that he has two hands, two legs and two hands, implying that regeneration can sometimes lead to physical defects or non-humanoid forms; it is not clear whether these two moments are meant as a joke. The beginnings of Destiny of the Daleks (1979) show Romana attempting a number of potential forms, two of which include blue-skinned dwarfs and giants.
Whether the Time Lords can change gender in regeneration has never been discussed on screen during the classic series and does not explicitly focus on many revivals. In the The Hand of Fear (1976), the Eldrad Kartrian compares the change from woman to man to the regeneration of Time Lord, perhaps suggesting that the process could result in a change of sex. In the second part of the The End of Time (2010), the Eleventh Doctor briefly examined an Adam apple after regeneration to confirm whether he was still a man. In "The Doctor's Wife" (2011), he remembers an old friend and fellow Time Lord, Corsair, who has been a man and woman several times. In "The Night of the Doctor" (2013), Sisterhood of Karn specifies Doctors may choose to alter sex using one of their ingredients that affects regeneration results. "Dark Water/Death in Heaven" (2014) shows that the old enemy of the Doctor has become a woman, taking the name of Missy. In "Hell Bent" (2015), Time Lord General regenerates a younger woman, and declares that his previous incarnation was his only male form. In "World Enough and Time" (2017), the Doctor informs his colleague Bill Potts, referring to Missy, that Lord Time mostly goes beyond gender norms and stereotypes; However, Bill points out that men and women of species collectively refer to themselves with male titles. From "Twice Upon a Time" and so on, Jodie Whittaker plays the Thirteenth Doctorate, the first female incarnation.
Doctors Women were previously explored in spin-off production; Joanna Lumley plays Doctor Thirteen in the spoof Comic Relief 1999 [The Fatal Death Curse], and Arabella Weir plays Doctor in the Big Finish audio drama of 2003 Exile . Spin-off media has also described a more drastic regeneration than TV series. For example, in the Big Finish Productions audio Circular Time , Time Lord known as Cardinal Zero regenerates into a bird life after being poisoned.
Control over regeneration
Regeneration Doctors are always unintentional, and he has no control over his last appearance. In "The Parting of the Ways", the Ninth Doctor describes the process as "somewhat clever" - that is, somewhat dangerous or uncertain - and the Tenth Doctor refers to regeneration as the "lottery" ("The Day of the Doctor"). For example, although there is a clear desire for this to happen, both the Tenth and the Eleventh Doctors regenerate into redheads. The only known exception to this is the regeneration of the Eighth Doctor into the Doctor of War ("The Night of the Doctor"), because the Doctor is able to consume the concoction made by Sisterhood of Karn that ensures the next body is a fighter capable of fighting in the War Great Last Time, though he did not appear to make specifications about his actual physical appearance. The Doctor has also been given the opportunity to choose his appearance on forced regeneration by Time Lords in The War Games but refuses all the options given to him. The Time Lords began to get tired of the stall and then sent it away to regenerate into Third Doctor, a seemingly random outcome. Or, the Tenth Doctor is shown twice to exercise control over regeneration, attributed by the eleventh Doctor to "have a vanity problem at the time." In "Journey's End", after being shot by Dalek triggers regeneration, the Tenth Doctor uses regenerating energy to heal his wound, then channeling the remaining energy into his broken hand and deliberately maintaining his current appearance. When he finally regenerated into the Eleventh Physician, he still consciously prevented himself from regenerating to extend his time as his current incarnation for several hours. Doing this causes a more explosive regeneration that almost destroys TARDIS.
In contrast, the first episode of Destiny of the Daleks depicts Romana undergoing voluntary regeneration, in which she attempts several different forms before choosing to adopt the Princess Astra appearance, the one she encountered earlier. adventure ( The Armageddon Factor ). Many authors of the spin-off media have tried to rationalize the difference between the regeneration of Doctors and Romana. Television writer and script editor Eric Saward states in his 1985 book The Twin Dilemma (1984) that Time Lords can control their subsequent bodily appearance if they trigger voluntary regeneration, but not if regeneration is caused by death or injury. The Doctor Who Role Playing Game by FASA shows that some Time Lords have a special ability to control their regeneration. The Discontinuity Guide's fan reference book shows that Romana's "experiments" are projections of potential future incarnations such as the K'anpo Rinpoche/Cho Je situation in Planet of the Spiders . Miles and Wood's About Time also mention this while theorizing that Time Lord has improved regeneration technology since the time of the Doctor; Romana, being a younger generation rather than a Doctor, will therefore have better control over the regenerative process at an early stage.
Other times in this series indicate that other Time Lords have more control over their regeneration than is usually performed by the Doctor. Before regenerating in the episode "Utopia", Master expressed a desire to be "young and strong" like the Doctor and change it. Furthermore, in "Last of the Time Lords", Master was shot by Lucy Saxon and was able to prevent regeneration at will, despite Doctor's appeal. In "The Stolen Earth," the Doctor begins to regenerate in the cliffhanger moment, but at the beginning of "Journey's End", he interrupts the process after healing his wounds, directing the remaining regeneration energy into its preservation. hand. In "Let's Kill Hitler", when Mels begins to regenerate into River Song, she says she is trying to concentrate so she can come out with a certain size of clothing. In "Nightmare in Silver", the eleventh Doctor suggested that he be able to trigger voluntary regeneration, using suggestions to threaten Cyber-Planner attacking his body and mind, saying "I can regenerate now." Big burst of regenerating energy, burning a bit of Cyber ​​Widgets â € <â € < €
In "Twice Upon a Time", the Twelfth Doctor reveals that there is a period of time, what he calls "the state of grace," when the incarnation of the Lord of Regeneration is now restored to full health for a while if the incarnation refuses regeneration. During this time, the incarnation must choose whether or not to regenerate. After the period ends, if God Time chooses not to regenerate, they will die permanently. Furthermore, as time passes during this "state of grace", God's time grows weaker as the period approaches the end. The First Doctor, the Tenth and the Twelfth all use this time period, though in the case of the Tenth Doctor it is to visit all of his former friends last time before regeneration rather than out of some form of uncertainty. While in "the state of grace," the First Doctor's face gets "mixed" because regeneration rejects it, an effect that is not visible with the next incarnation that uses that period.
Recognition of regeneration
The television series is not consistent on the question of whether Time Lords can recognize each other throughout the regeneration. For example, in the old dead class of Doctor's, Runcible, slow to recognize Doctor in his fourth incarnation, and once he had it, it took him a while to realize that his appearance had changed. However, in The Armageddon Factor (1978), Drax, another old friend, recognizes the Fourth Doctor immediately even though they have not seen each other since the Academy (Doctors take time to remember Drax, though).
There is also inconsistency whether the Doctor can recognize his own future incarnation. In the original series, Doctors usually have no trouble recognizing each other (in Three Doctors , First Doctors, Seconds and Thirds all getting to know each other, but at The Five Doctors, Doctors The first does not recognize the Fifth Doctor as himself and needs to be introduced by the Fifth as his fourth regeneration.In Time Crash, after TARDIS was at a different point in the timeline itself joined because of the thinning shield, the Fifth Doctor spent many mini episodes believing that the Tenth was merely a fan who somehow had entered TARDIS somehow changed the 'desktop theme': the Tenth Doctor kept trying to convince her younger that she was her future, just doing it by using the predestination paradox to abort the devastating black hole the universe with a supernova by blowing up TARDIS.When the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors meet each other d The Day Of The Doctor, the Tenth Doctor appears to be a symbolic ognise of his successor, but he seems entirely sure only after the two compare their sonic screwdriver each. The War Doctor on the other hand initially completely forgot to fulfill his two future regenerations (initially mistaking them for future friends), again reassured by their sonic screwdrivers. When the First Doctor meets the Twelfth Doctor, the First Doctor sees his future as another time the Lord comes to take back his TARDIS and demands a convincing to the contrary.
Daleks' ability to recognize the Doctor also varies: they recognize him directly in the Power of Daleks but require confirmation from other sources in Revelation Daleks, Doomsday and Pilot. In "Asylum of the Daleks", Daleks' knowledge of Doctor is related to the psychic link between them called web path, which is hacked to make them forget it. The Cybermen have their own method of recognizing Doctors, usually through his past incarnations, as seen in Earthshock and "The Next Doctor".
In "Utopia", while the Master is under the chameleon arch, the Doctor can not sense that he is a God of Time. After Master's personality reasserted himself, the Doctor immediately sensed it and could say which Time Lord was without being told. In "The Sound of Drums", the Doctor declares that he will be able to recognize the regenerated Master on sight even though he has never seen his new incarnation, claiming that the Time Lord can always recognize each other. Because of the Angel Network Master, the Doctor's ability to feel another God's Time has been blocked up to that point. During "The End of Time", Master and Doctor can feel the presence of each other when near, with both appearing to sniff each other. However, this ability has a limited range as stated by the Doctor to Wilfred Mott. While he can sense that Master is still on Earth, he can not tell where he is because Teacher is too far away to track precisely. In "Dark Water", The Doctor fails to recognize that Missy is the regenerator of the Master, and may not be able to say that she is the Time Master at all until she reveals her identity to him. In "World Enough and Time", the undercover Teacher finds that Missy is herself in the future, but this is due to the deduction of her behavior and not any special ability. In turn, Missy did not realize that the Master in disguise was Master of Time, let alone herself that she had until she revealed herself.
Maximum number of regenerations in one cycle
In The Deadly Assassin (1976), it was determined that Time Lord can only regenerate 12 times, totaling 13 incarnations. This statement was later repeated in "Mawdryn Undead", a 1996 TV movie and "The Time of the Doctor". This aspect becomes embedded in public awareness even though it is not often repeated, and is recognized by the show producers as a plot barrier when the event ultimately has to regenerate the thirteenth Doctor. The BBC Series 4 FAQ suggests that because Time Lord is believed to be dead and their rules destroyed, the Doctor may be able to regenerate indefinitely: "Now the people are missing, who knows? Time Lords used to have thirteen lives." In the "Death of the Doctor", the Eleventh Doctor says he can regenerate 507 times (an initial news report, before the episode aired, suggesting he would say there is no limit to the amount regeneration). However, author Russell T Davies explains in an interview with SFX that this sentence is not meant to be taken seriously and insisted that the "thirteen" rule of life is too deeply embedded in the viewers consciousness for its spark line. to influence it.
However, this series has illustrated the exceptions to this rule in the Lord's Lord's Lord's rebel career. When the Master finds himself at the end of his regenerative cycle at The Keeper of Traken, he takes possession of another's body to survive, even though he uses the Trakent Source to bind his mind. to the body. In The Five Doctors, the Master offers a new cycle of regeneration by High Council of the Time Lords in return for his help. In the 1996 television film, the Master temporarily inhabits the human body, and seeks to take the remaining regeneration from the Doctor. In "The Sound of Drums", the Master was revealed to have been given a new body by Time Lords during the War of Time. In this new body, Master seems to have a new regeneration cycle. The Master regenerates in "Utopia" and "The Doctor Falls" with a dialogue in the final episode showing he has at least one more regeneration.
The number of previous incarnations of the Doctor was initially unclear in the series. In the story of the Fourth Doctor of the Morbius Brain, the Doctors participate in a mental duel with other Time Lord and the machine connected to their mind begins to project the faces of "defeated" contestants in a chronological order of decline. When Doctor is controlled by Morbius, the picture changes successively on the third Doctor, second and first, then eight more faces appear. It was the intention of producer Philip Hinchcliffe and script editor Robert Holmes that the pictures were even the initial incarnations of the Doctor. However, the narrative does not explicitly confirm that the face does represent the incarnation of the Doctor, though, when the face is displayed, Morbius exclaims "How far is the Doctor? How long do you live?", Indicating that they are not the incarnation of Morbius, but rather that it is the Doctor's past is displayed.
In another episode, it is certain that William Hartnell's incarnation of the Doctor was the first. In Three Doctors , President Timuan describes Hartnell's incarnation as "the earliest Doctor". This was cemented in Five Physicians when Fifth Doctor Peter Davison (introducing himself to the First Doctor) said he was the fourth regenerate, meaning that there were five of them. The First Doctor also referred to himself as "the real one". The episodes of the resurrection series that show the life of the Doctor - "The Next Doctor", "The Eleventh Hour", "The Day of the Doctor" and "The Husbands of River Song" - all begin with the incarnation of William Hartnell. In "Twice Upon a Time", the incarnation of William Hartnell is described as the first incarnation with First Doctor expressing his fear of undergoing his first regeneration throughout the story.
In "The Lodger", after the Eleventh Doctor shows Craig who he is, he points to his face and says, "Eleventh". However, in "The Name of the Doctor", when the Doctor rescues Clara from within her own time stream, they both see another figure that Clara does not recognize. The doctor later revealed that this was an incarnation of the past that was deemed unworthy of the name "Doctor" for the atrocities he committed during the War of Time, and only received it after knowing the truth about how the war ended ("The Day of the Doctor"). Doctor. ") Ultimately, in" The Time of the Doctor ", the Eleventh Physician reveals that, by counting the War Doctor and the tenth rebirth, he is actually in his last incarnation, reaching the point where he died of old age after centuries conflict with Daleks and others on the planet Trenzalore, but on Clara's orders, Time Lord gave the Doctor a new regeneration cycle, allowing the 13th regeneration to become an incarnation known as the Twelfth Doc.The Twelfth Doctor could then regenerate into a female incarnation known as the Third Doctor Twelve after suffering fatal wounds during battle.
In The Time of the Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor describes his new regeneration ability as the beginning of a new "cycle," implying that he has been restored to twelve adat regenerations. However, in "Kill the Moon", the Twelfth Doc says he is "not entirely sure [he] will not continue to regenerate forever," once again asking questions about this limits of ability. In "Hell Bent", Rassilon asked the Doctor "How much regeneration do we give you?", And during "The Doctor Falls", the two incarnations of the Master express uncertainty about how long it takes to kill the Doctor, Doctors have a limited amount of regeneration even as the exact amount is still undetermined.
Potential future incarnation
In some cases, future potential incarnations can achieve independent existence, albeit temporarily. In Planet of the Spiders, a Time Lord, K'anpo Rinpoche, created a physical projection of a future incarnation of such existence under the name of Cho Je until he regenerates into the incarnation. The Valeyard, an "amalgamation of the dark side of nature [the Doctor], somewhere between the twelfth and the last incarnations", appears in The Trial of a Time Lord (1986) in the presence of the Six Physicians; Valeyard promised the rest of the Doctor's regeneration. Another example is "The Watcher," which appears repeatedly to the Fourth Doctor in Logopolis (1981), and eventually merges with it as part of its regeneration to its fifth incarnation.
The Time Lords' ability to change species during regeneration is referred to in the television film by the Eighth Doctor in relation to the Master. Mavic Chen states that the likeness of the First Doctor with Earthly beings is "just disguise" within Master's Plans of Daleks (1965). In Destiny of the Daleks (1979), the companion of Lady Time Fourth Romana demonstrated a clear ability to "try" the different bodies of a number of different species during its regeneration, before settling in the final, the physical form of humanoid resembles Princess Astra from Atrios.
Steven Moffat has said that the reference will be made to Peter Capaldi's previous appearance at Whoniverse during his tenure as the Twelfth Doctor: "The face is not set at birth, it's not like he's always going to be one day Peter Capaldi We know that's what happened > The War Games he has a choice of face so we know it's unregulated, so where did he get those faces? They can not be randomly created because they "I have a line. They are old. When he turns to Peter he will actually have a line on his face. So where did that face come from? "In" Deep Breath "(2014), Doctor and some other characters speculate about where his new face comes from, given that he has the lines of a scowl.He takes it hard that it is the face that he recognize it from a place, but because of post-regenerative trauma, he can not put it in. "The Girl Who Died" (2015), he concludes that he unconsciously chooses a face as a reminder of his decision to save the Caecilius life (also played by Capaldi) in "The Fires of Pompeii" (2008) and to remind him to save people even with possible historical consequences by doing so.
Non-Gallifreyans regeneration
The fact that Master inhabits a non-Gallifreyan body when he is offered a new cycle of regeneration (see above) implies that it is possible to give it to a non-Gallifreyan, even though one is inhabited by the mind of God. Additionally, River Song proved to have the ability to regenerate due to altered DNA that has similarities to Time Lord DNA, a side effect from those already contained above TARDIS while traveling through a space-time vortex. Non-Gallifreyans also appear to regenerate in Underworld 1978 and Mawdryn Undead (1983), but with adverse side effects. In Mawdryn Undead , this appears to be the result of a stolen technological error, but in Underworld they are implied to be the inevitable result of limited technology that revives, rather than changes, subject appearance (in this case, Minyans, with whom The Time Lords share much of their technology), thus regenerating 'body, not soul'.
Fake/failed regeneration
It has been suggested in series many times that regeneration is not guaranteed and can fail. After the cellular structure was destroyed by Metallic crystals in Planet of the Spiders, the Third Doctor's regeneration required a "little push" from fellow Time Lord K'anpo Rimpoche before it could continue. When he succumbed to the spectrox toxaemia at The Caves of Androzani , the Fifth Doctor said, "I may regenerate... I do not know... It feels different this time... is this death?" He then hallucinating, seeing his former colleagues encourage him to survive, before the Master overwhelms them all, telling him that he must die. The 1996 TV movie showed Doctor regeneration was delayed for over three hours, with the Eight Doctor later commenting that the fact of his seventh incarnation under anesthesia at the time of his "death" could "destroy the regenerative process", and that he "died too long now" before regeneration. In many episodes, the Doctor doubts his own survival, though it is not always clear whether such a statement refers to the death of only a particular incarnation. (The only time he made a completely unambiguous distinction between these two scenarios - at End Time - he explained that he thought regeneration was almost as bad as death, because when he saw it he died and "new man" walked away). In The Mind of Evil Master showed a conventional weapon to the Doctor and threatened to "put the bullet through both [his heart]," while in "Forest of the Dead", Professor Song warned that electricity would stop both hearts God time, kill him. In "Left Turn", where the Tenth Doctor died in a parallel world, UNIT members speculated that what happened to the Doctor "must have happened too soon for him to regenerate" (It is suggested that he drown without his future friend Donna Noble there to inspire him to go). In End of Time , the Doctor explains to Wilfred Mott that if he is killed before regeneration can begin, then it will fail.
In the 6th Series premiere, "The Impossible Astronaut", the future version of Elevenh Doctor was shot twice by a titular astronaut and began to regenerate. But he was then shot again and dead, showing that he not only could be killed before regeneration, but also during the process (however, the later revelation, in "The Wedding of River Song" that what was shot was actually a mechanical avatar Doctor and not a native question this). In the episode of "Let's Kill Hitler", Doctor is poisoned by River Song who disables his regeneration abilities and he appears to be dead, though he is later revived when River hands over his remaining regeneration to save him. "The Time of the Doctor" then shows that Doctors have no regeneration left at this point.
In the mini episode "The Night of the Doctor", the Eighth Doctor was killed when the ship he hit fell to the planet Karn, reinforcing the idea that a sudden and traumatic death can prevent regeneration. The Sisterhood of Karn explains that he is, in fact, dead, but they can use their Time Lord based technology to revive and force regeneration.
In "Heaven Sent", the Twelfth Doctor was burned down by Veil, preventing him from regenerating properly. However, because the prison on the island resets itself after leaving the room, he uses the rest of his life to download his final version of the teleporter hard drive, which is also reset. The cycle brings itself back to life by burning the body today as energy for the process continues for about 4.5 billion years, according to the episode "Hell Bent."
In "The Lie of the Land", Doctor Twelfth faked regeneration after his colleague Bill Potts shot him after he pretended to side with the monks. The bullet fired was empty, and it was all a test by the Doctor to see if Bill was under the influence of Monks.
Regenerative energy transference
In Mawdryn Undead , it was first stated that the Time Lord can transfer the essence of his regenerative life to other beings. In the story, the Fifth Doctor is forced by Mawdryn to hand over his future regeneration to cure Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka from Mawdryn's disease. Although the transfer did not take place (due to Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart's intervention), the Doctor declared that the consequence of the transference was that he would sacrifice the remaining eight lives and cease to be Master of Time. It is not until "Let's Kill Hitler" that a similar transference is displayed; in that instance, River Song sacrificed its own regenerative power to revive the eleven dead Doctors. Help was returned in "The Angels Take Manhattan" where the wrist of the River was repaired by the Doctor, who then surrendered some of his regenerative energy even though it later revealed that the Doctor was out of regeneration at the time.
The main plot point of the 1996 TV movie involved the Master who planned to steal the remaining regeneration from the Doctor for himself.
The Tenth Doctor also consciously abrogates regeneration in "Journey's End" and instead transfers energy to his previously cut hands (from "The Christmas Invasion"), which has been stored in containers by Captain Jack Harkness; when Donna Noble touched it, it created an entirely new person - a half-human physician who was "meta-crisis". The Eleventh Doctor asserted, before he regenerated during the "The Time of the Doctor" event, that this action used full regeneration.
In "The Witch's Familiar", Doctor Twelfth offers a small amount of regenerative energy for Dalraf maker Dalros to support him in his last minute a little longer. The Doctor says that doing so "may require [him] an arm or leg at the end of the road". Davros, however, sucked more regenerating energy from Doctors to revitalize himself and turn Daleks on Skaro into a superior hybrid. The plan backfired when decomposing Daleks - unable to die, and stored in underground sewer systems when their effective 'life' has expired - is also refreshed and attacked Daleks on the surface. The doctor revealed that he was expecting such a plot and knew it would backfire.
Regeneration depicted in series
Doctor Regeneration
- First Doctor (William Hartnell): "Updated" by TARDIS after fainting from old age/exhaustion from defeating Cybermen in Tenth Planet . Briefly stops at "Twice Upon a Time".
- Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton): "Changes in appearance" worn by Time Lord as a punishment for repeatedly violating non-intervention laws within The War Games .
- Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee): Poisoned by radiation on planet Metebelis 3 in Planet of the Spider .
- Doctor Fourth (Tom Baker): Joined the Watcher after falling from the Pharos Project radio telescope at Logopolis .
- The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison): Experts for spectrophic toksonemia after coming into contact with the raw spectrox at The Caves of Androzani .
- The Six Doctors (Colin Baker): Hurt badly from Rani's attack on TARDIS in Time and Rani .
- Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy): Shot by a street gang in San Francisco and died during surgery by a doctor unfamiliar with his alien physiology in a 1996 TV movie.
- Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann): Hurt fatally after crashing into Karn's surface. This regeneration was triggered by a potion prepared by Sisterhood of Karn, creating a suitable incarnation to fight in the War of Time in the mini-episode "The Night of the Doctor".
- War Doctor (John Hurt): Returned from old age/fatigue at the end of Time War on "The Day of the Doctor".
- The Nine Doctors (Christopher Eccleston): The cellular degeneration caused by absorbing Time Vortex from Rose Tyler in "The Parting of the Ways".
- The Ten Doctors (David Tennant): Shot by Dalek in "The Stolen Earth". He heals himself through regenerative energy, directs the rest into his disconnected hands and maintains his appearance in "Journey's End".
- The Ten Doctors (David Tennant): Radiation poisoning absorbed in Wilfred Mott's place at End of Time .
- Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith): At the point of death of old age, he received a new regeneration cycle from Time Lords in "The Time of the Doctor".
- The Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi): Electrocuted by Cyberman Mondasian in "The Doctor Falls", he briefly stops the process before embracing the regeneration in "Twice Upon a Time".
Romana Regeneration
The regeneration scene of Romana's tongue-in-cheek at Destiny of the Daleks is in stark contrast to Doctor's transformation. In the first episode of the series, Romana undergoes regeneration, in the process of trying several different forms before choosing to adopt Princess Astra appearance, a character she encountered in previous adventures ( The Armageddon Factor ).
Various attempts have been made in the spin-off media to explain the need for Romana regeneration.
- In the short story "The Old Wizard Lying in the Cupboard" by Mark Michalowski, published in the anthology of Big Finish Productions,
Short: Friend , unknown to Doctor Romana suffered damage from exposure to Key to Time. Just as he will regenerate, the humanoid manifestation of TARDIS, jealous of Romana, entraps him in the field of style. It pretends to be Romana, transforming into a different form until it finally becomes doubles Princess Astra. This manifestation is the person who appears in Destiny of the Daleks . Realizing the misfortune of his journey after the adventure, he releases Romana, but not before making the Time of God women assume the image of Astra. - The second explanation is given in the audio series Gallifrey . Gallifrey: Lies by Gary Russell reveals that Romana imposes her own regeneration to prevent an ancient Gallifreyan crime called Pandora from gaining power over her (see also History of the Time Lords - Audio plays).
- The third explanation is in Peter Anghelides's Fifth Doctor's The Chaos Pool audio story, which states that the creator of Key to Time disguised his last segment as Romana, which is why he changed and why he chose Astra's form.
Transition Master
The master is only shown to regenerate once on the screen. However, Master did change her appearance several times, often avoiding the limits usually placed on Time Lords. Originally played by Roger Delgado, his later nursing appearance (after Delgado's death) at The Deadly Assassin (1976) is explained as due to the fact that he is in the final regeneration. He was encouraged to gain a new regeneration cycle, but ultimately was able to avoid the end of his life by having Tremas body (Antony Ainley) in The Keeper of Traken (1981). Ainley described the Master to the end of the classic series, though still planning several times to get a new regeneration cycle. In the 1996 TV movie, the Master was executed but deceived to death by possessing a parasitic being, who in turn had a man named Bruce (Eric Roberts), giving the Master another new form.
When the Master was reintroduced in 2007, the explanation explained that he was awakened by the Time Lords to fight in the War of Time, apparently with a new regeneration cycle. In "Utopia" (2007), he was shot dead by his assistant and a change from a form known as Professor Yana, played by Derek Jacobi, into a new incarnation, played by John Simm. Before regeneration, Master expressed a desire to be "young and strong" like the Tenth Doctor. A character named Missy first appeared in "Deep Breath" (2014) before being declared a Master in the form of a female in "Dark Water" (2014), after regeneration off the screen as long as there is no character. For most of Missy's appearance, it is not known how Master regenerated into her. It is then revealed in "The Doctor Falls" that Missy herself forces regeneration. In an effort to ensure that he would exist and stand with the Doctor, Missy stabbed the Master in the back to trigger his regeneration, but made the wound "appropriate" so that he would have time to reach his TARDIS before regeneration began.. In return, the Master kills Missy with her laser screwdriver and declares that she has disabled her regeneration so that she will permanently die from the shot. Although Master regeneration to Missy is inevitable, it is not displayed on the screen.
In some short stories published in the universe Doctor Who , some regenerations for the Master appear to include two separate reasons for the regeneration of the incarnation of Roger Delgado. In the Pandoric's Box short story, the Master is described as regenerating into Missy because of his fight with Rassilon which is also regenerated as Moment predicted. However, this is disputed by "World Enough and Time" and "The Doctor Falls".
River Song Regeneration
River Song, also known as Melody Pond has regenerated twice throughout the sixth series of Doctor Who. Though he is the man and daughter of Amy Pond (hence his last name) and Rory Williams, he is conceived on the night of their marriage in TARDIS and is therefore born with genetic traits similar to his own race of the Time Lords.
In "Day of the Moon" (2011), Melody Pond as a child (Sydney Wade) walked through the New York City gang at the end of the episode in the early 1970s, suffering from an unknown disease. When a homeless person asks about his condition, he explains that everything is fine, that he is dying, but he can fix it. He then begins regenerating in a revived series style as a runaway bum in terror.
In "Let's Kill Hitler", it was revealed that he regenerated into a toddler (Maya Glace-Green). This form later became Amy Pond's best friend, Mels (Nina Toussaint-White), which was regenerated into a more well-known identity of River Song (Alex Kingston) after being shot. In the previously mentioned episode, post-regeneration, Melody is immune to barrage of fire due to its surplus regenerative energy. In the same episode, River Song uses all of his remaining regenerative energy to revive the Doctor; as Amy says, "You're safe've used all the rest of the regeneration at once.You should not do that." He was hospitalized as a result and now no longer has the ability to regenerate. In "The Husbands of River Song", it is revealed that River has an ever-increasing lifetime in his final incarnation, but it is never clear whether this is a side effect of his Lord-Time physiology or something he gained in other ways.
Other regeneration
In "Hell Bent" (2015), when threatened with arms, General told the Doctor that he is currently in tenth regeneration. The doctor then shoots him, causing him to regenerate from an older man to a younger woman. The general then states that his previous incarnation was the only one as a man.
In "The Doctor's Daughter" (2008), Doctor DNA is used to create the titular "daughter" Jenny (Georgia Moffett), which features many but not all of the Time Lord traits. Near the episode, he was shot in the chest and looked dead. However, long after the doctor and his colleagues had departed, he miraculously resurrected and released energy from his mouth that, quite ambiguously, both resembled the regenerative energy and energy emitted by the planet-recovery breaker in the same episode. The question of whether this is a genuine regeneration is unanswered, because Jenny does not change her appearance.
In "The End of Time" (2009/2010), the Master attacks Mr. President Rassilon with energy bolts, bringing Rassilon to his knee. At subsequent appearances at "Hell Bent", Rassilon has regenerated into a much older incarnation. In the Pandoric's Box short story, this confirms that Master's attacks encourage this regeneration as Moment predicted.
In the premiere of the 2009 spin-off series K-9 , the original K-9 Mark I (Leeson) was reintroduced and destroyed, but later revealed to have been fitted with a "regeneration circuit". At this point, the traditional K-9 model "regenerates" into a more sophisticated CGI model.
Visual effects
Each new regeneration is also radically different from the previous one, even in terms of visual effects used to represent the moment of regeneration. The first regeneration was made and executed by Shirley Coward's vision mixer, which seems to have suddenly emerged with the method of achieving effects electronically. The original plan of the production team was that William Hartnell would fall to the floor at the end of the Tenth Planet and pull his cloak over his face. Troughton will then appear at the top of the The Power of Daleks , retracting the cloak. The integration of Coward's innovative vision requires Troughton de
Source of the article : Wikipedia